gcc from cdrom

Forum: Apps
Topic: gcc from cdrom
started by: Present

Posted by Present on Feb. 25 2005,23:07
i need to compile wireless card drivers, and would like to know how to install gcc from cdrom (can't apt-get from internet without wireless configured).


Posted by RoGuE_StreaK on Feb. 26 2005,00:29
gcc should be in the < myDSL repository >
, just add it to your ISO (should be plenty of posts around on how to do this), I haven't really used it, but I'm guessing it would be a good idea to also grab the gnu-utils.dsl and dsl-dpkg.dsl packages and install them first.

Posted by Present on Feb. 26 2005,02:03
well, i've already installed to hd, is there a way to apt-get from cdrom or another partition?

sry i didn't even post minimal system info:
thinkpad 600
trendnet (acx111) tew-421pc (wireless)
hd install


Posted by Present on Feb. 26 2005,02:33
woot there it is!!

well i think i got stuff installed... err... i burned it to cd and then just double-clicked the *.dsl files using Emelfm and it appears to have done the trick...

that was so easy i'm rather embarrased :s PROBLEM SOLVED

i get intelligent feedback now from
gcc --version
make --version

i also installed the recommended packages above, thx again...


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