apache ?

Forum: Apps
Topic: apache ?
started by: vert

Posted by vert on Mar. 12 2005,04:37
Im wondering if anyone tried to install apache.
I made a hd install , enable apt , change to testing (this should be writen in BIG LETTERS on the FAQ)

apt-get install gcc g++ make worked.

apt-get install apache doesnt work
some strange errors (cron logrotate apache)

i downloaded apache 1.3 then from apache homepage and tried to install manually, with no success.

./configure works but on make i only got a lot of errors

Anyone any hints ?

A question : i need to install mysql php and apache on my
laptop (600mhz/64mb) . Is it a good idea to try with DSL ?
I need X and firefox also, i wanna use that laptop for writing php code an try it without the need to connect to internet.

Some strange thinks beside: DSL doesnt save my netcardsettings i have to reenter every time i boot. Anyone else got this also ?

i cant find anything in this forum about apache, is really no one trying to install it ? or am i the only one that is to dumb to get it  work ?


Posted by cbagger01 on Mar. 12 2005,06:10
I searched the forums for keyword


and searched ALL FORUMS and FROM THE BEGINNING or NEWER and there was a bunch of stuff about installing apache.

Posted by vert on Mar. 12 2005,06:58
did you try anything of that ?

because the 2 or 3 interesting topics, including a howto
doesnt work on 1.0

that why i ask if somebody got it working

And everytime i try it i have to reinstall DSL because apt-get doesnt work anymore

I've reinstalled like 20 times now and try different ways and not one is working

Update: at least it works

i still got an error on apt-get that says
apache failed but i can start the apache and it works.

im using testing version for gcc g++ and make

and unstable for apache but you have to apt-get install cron before.

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