Forum: Apps
Topic: IceWM
started by: Melancholie

Posted by Melancholie on May 18 2005,17:28
I like IceWM very much, because it looks and behaves like Win95/98 :-)

But I miss the options "reboot" and "shutdown" in the IceWM menu! I have added them myself, but the *.dsl package should urgently contain those points too!

Furthermore, IceWM does not support umlauts like ä, ö, ü, yet ("...invalid multibyte string....wide character..." is shown when logged of to login screen). Is this general for IceWM?

Moreover, an error message (concerning shutdown of X (GUI), things like: broken connection to X; XIO fatal IO error 104) is shown when logging out to login screen (text only). This is not serious, I think. But fixing this would be good, too.

Posted by wageslave on Nov. 19 2005,19:30

after getting some help on the forums here I installed icewm through apt-get.
That version is also missing the options to reboot and shutdown - could you tell me how you added them?

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