PHP and SQLite

Forum: Apps
Topic: PHP and SQLite
started by: jesseakc

Posted by jesseakc on June 21 2005,15:52
I'm trying to set up a small forum on my Monkey server.  I found a pretty cool script that supports SQLite and it has a self install file.  However, it does not look like my PHP is seeing SQLite.  I downloaded the php from the respository.  I had an error with MyDSL (as I always do with my HD install).  So, I copied the monkey.config and that went well.  PHP works with monkey, but no SQLite.  Could someone walk me through how to set this up?  Sorry, but I know pretty much next to nothing about PHP and SQL.

Thanks again,

P.S.  The script I was going to use looks very promissing.  If you want to try it out, check out < > .

Posted by John on July 11 2005,11:33
Hi Jesse

Go to < > and download xampp for linux.

I use it all the time for small database projects, it works great on DSL.

You can also visit and download a perl version of their dynamic ip software. I installed it on my DSL box and run my site < > using TZO along with Monkey web server.

Good luck,


Posted by b1ackmai1er on July 15 2005,18:47
Anyluck with punBB.

I seem to be having the same trouble with PHP/Sqlite

regards b1m1

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