having trouble with GAIM

Forum: Apps
Topic: having trouble with GAIM
started by: gbuscrizist

Posted by gbuscrizist on July 19 2005,02:36
Hi, i just got DSL last night and I got GAIM from MyDSL and I am not sure about how to install/run it. i tried double clicking the file on emelfm and it tried to run mydsl-load %d%f, what should i do? should i change it so it says the GAIM file name instead of %d%f? and how do i install it? i tried mydsl-install but it cant find the command. thx in advance and i just love this distro of linux, it saved my old laptop
Posted by cbagger01 on July 19 2005,03:07
If you Right-Click on an empty area of the desktop, is there a new menu entry called "myDSL" that has "Gaim" listed?

Also, you should read the gaim.info file.  There might be some other packages (called extensions) that also need to be downloaded and installed before gaim will work.

Posted by gbuscrizist on July 19 2005,03:30
i tried right clicking to see if it would show up on MyDSL and it didnt, and usually when i go to download a game or prorgam if it has many downloads it will pop up with them after each one is done, and i believe i waited untill all of them were done, but ll go check again and i also need help with  my sound on DSL, i have a dell laptop (latitude CP) i tried streaming and it said tat either my sound drivers are being used by another program or they arent configured right. the soundcard is built in too
Posted by cbagger01 on July 19 2005,04:20
OK,  it appears that you will need to download and install the GTK2 myDSL extension before you can use Gaim.

It is located in the gtk2 section of the mydsl repository.

If you download an extension from the myDSL GUI, it is automatically installed after the download is completed.  You will still need to start/activate your program or extension from the myDSL menu however.

To manually install an extension file, just highlight the file in Emelfm and click on the "myDSL" button inside the Emelfm window.

What is your specific model of latitude laptop?

Posted by cbagger01 on July 19 2005,04:24
Supposedly, the CP audio system is Soundblaster Pro compatible.

You may be able to get it to work by simply opening an xterminal window and type:

sudo su
modprobe sb
wmix &

Posted by cbagger01 on July 19 2005,04:35
If that doesn't work, you could try to install the alsadebs extension (including the additional dependencies) and open an xterminal and type:

sudo su

and choose ISA card generic 4231

and see if it works.

Posted by gbuscrizist on July 19 2005,04:38
thanks for the help, and i fee like an idiot for reading the info file wrong, but i couldnt tell you the exact model of latitude cp because i really dont know, i bought the laptop from a friend a couple years ago and its refurbished(i know that thanks to the refurb sticker) but i can tell you most of the specs, pentium 1 233mhz cpu 32 mb of ram 2gb hard drive 2mb integrated video memory, by the way what is yellow? i was looking at some games and supertux said it was "yellow" i think it is the level that you must have to play it (specs) but im not sure what color means what
Posted by gbuscrizist on July 19 2005,04:46
this laptop is supposed to be designed for Win 98, that should give you a timeframe of when it was made.
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