
Forum: Apps
Topic: icon
started by: lion

Posted by lion on July 20 2005,15:05
how can i create a new icon on my dsl desktop. i got xchat openoffice i would like to create a new icon on them.
Posted by adssse on July 20 2005,15:12
Open an xterminal window and type:
beaver /home/.xtdesktop/newicon.lnk (whatever you want name to be)

Then type these lines into beaver:

table Icon
Type: Program
Caption: "Your caption here"
Command: "Command for the program"
Icon: .xtdesktop/emelfm.gif (a gif file for the picture, or copy one used for another program)
X: "desired X cord."
Y: "desired Y cord."

(Also, make sure the lines in the .lnk file do not end with whitespace (space or tab) or your icon will not show.)

Save the file and exit beaver.
Then go to the fluxbox start menu and go to
Desktop -> No icons
and then
Desktop -> Icons only

I dont have much experience with this, so if I have made a mistake please correct me.

Posted by mikshaw on July 20 2005,16:32
Looks good to me.
You can also add "menuCommand" lines for including right-click functions to the icon.
For example, if you want the option for an application to open in a transparent aterm, you can add something like this:
menuCommand1: Links(trans) : aterm -tr -shading 60 -fade 80 -bg black -fg white -g 120x32+10+10 -e links
This way your regular application will launch on double-click, and you get a menu item when you right-click.

Posted by adssse on July 20 2005,16:55
Thanks for posting mikshaw. I didnt realize that you could do that. This applies only to 1.3 right?
Posted by mikshaw on July 20 2005,19:18
nope.  As far as I know it has always been a part of Xtdesktop.
This feature just hasn't been used in the default DSL icons, or even mentioned anywhere other than in the example icons included with the full xtdesk download.

Posted by adssse on July 21 2005,04:43
One of my favorite things about reading and posting here is that I learn something new every day.
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