Firefox 1.0.6

Forum: Apps
Topic: Firefox 1.0.6
started by: Peif

Posted by Peif on Aug. 12 2005,09:53

I tried to install Firefox 1.0.6, but I got the message:

" is missing"


What can I do?



Posted by Peif on Aug. 12 2005,11:07
oh... i just needed to use mydsl ;) ... but the screen size is to big... i can't choose "forward"... is there any chance to calibrate the window?
Posted by cbagger01 on Aug. 12 2005,11:59
Hold down the ALT key and then use your mouse to click and drag the window down.

When you can see the Title Bar of the window, click on the maximize button to resize it to fit the screen size.

Posted by Jazzy on Sep. 04 2005,19:50
what am I doing wrong? in mydsl i only find firefox-1.0.4 and after installing this plus the gtk2-thing I still can't load firefox 1.0.4 not mozilla-thunderbird because of the following error:

(mozilla-thunderbird-bin:786): Gdk-WARNING **: Error converting from UTF-8 to STRING: Conversion from character set 'UTF-8' to 'ISO-8859-1' is not supported

what can I do? (this error occurs even as root)

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