.filetool.1st cannot open or find

Forum: Apps
Topic: .filetool.1st cannot open or find
started by: TheShadowMan

Posted by TheShadowMan on Aug. 17 2005,23:12
I was reading the dillo in dsl and it say to use beaver or a text editor to edit .filetool.1st but none of the ones I have tried can fnd that file..I followed the instruction /home/dsl/.filetool.1st as well

I would like to edit this file and then make a backup for my configuration what am I doing wrong

Thank you for your help

Posted by andrewb on Aug. 17 2005,23:21
The file is .filetool.lst (the letter 'l' NOT the numeral '1')
Posted by adssse on Aug. 18 2005,04:26
Also, because it starts with a "." it is a hidden file. If you are using emelfm make sure you have clicked the 'H' button, and if you are using the shell use 'ls -a' this will display the hidden files. Hope this helps.
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