Linux AntivirusForum: Apps Topic: Linux Antivirus started by: Conor Posted by Conor on Aug. 21 2005,15:54
So I just figured out how to use ndiswrapper with my WN825G and I am now online. I am feeling very vulnerable though and I was wondering if anyone knew a good anti-virus to run under DSL. (I am a n00b to linux so it may not even be neccesary.) On a totally unrelated note, when downloading from My DSL where should I download files to (/tmp or another folder) and how do I run them once I install them? Thanks for all your help. Conor Posted by adssse on Aug. 21 2005,16:38
I dont believe there is a big need for antivirus in linux. Although they do exist. Here is a thread that also talks a bit about this.< > As far as where to download extensions to, I think it might depend on what kind of install you have. In a hd install I am not sure it makes much of a difference, but I used to just put them in /home/dsl. If you are using a frugal install with the mydsl boot option than you would want to put them into the root directory that you use for mydsl or create an /optional directory to load them manually. Once you download them they should install themselves. Look in the menu for the myDSL entry. If not you can open emelfm and click on the extension and click the myDSL button. Hope this helps. Posted by mikshaw on Aug. 22 2005,02:34
There is now also the option to set a download directory if you use the myDSL downloader/installer. The file /opt/.mydsl_dir contains this directory.