xpdf ang gv.dsl

Forum: Apps
Topic: xpdf ang gv.dsl
started by: jls legalize

Posted by jls legalize on Aug. 30 2005,21:54
I've tryed both apps but when I'm at the end of the page and I want to see the next one xpdf goes to the top of the current page while loading the next and gv shows a blank one.
I would like to see the current portion of the page while loading the next one.

Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Aug. 30 2005,23:16
You'll have to speak with the developers of those applications about their applications and requests for features.
Posted by jls legalize on Aug. 31 2005,00:42
I installed xpdf in ubuntu and the scrolling is ok, so maybe an update of the app or a .dsl woulld be nice.
Tryed to apt-get xpdf but I got errors.

Posted by jls legalize on Aug. 31 2005,00:44
sorry double post
Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Aug. 31 2005,02:24
Ubuntu uses gpdf and kpdf (for kubuntu-desktop) which are just based on xpdf.

The size of the latest version of xpdf will be a huge deciding factor to whether or not we will update, since the current version works.

Posted by tosha on Nov. 20 2005,23:52
The current version supports English only,
I understand that DSL is English-only, but suppose you have a pdf-file with a couple of words in Russian?...

Any idea how to add other laguages to xpdf?

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