Burning an ISO?

Forum: Apps
Topic: Burning an ISO?
started by: erissiva

Posted by erissiva on Sep. 01 2005,01:38
Ok, I'm am a compete newbie. My hard-drive is frazzled, and I'm only using DSL so I can burn a repair CD. Other than that, my computer is completely useless.

I'm having an issue getting the built-in CD burning program working.

Can someone please lead me through the process step-by-step? I've already downloaded the ISO, and just need it burned. As I only have one drive, I have to use the Live CD. Hope it's possible.

Posted by adraker on Sep. 01 2005,10:24
You could boot your live CD with the boot option
dsl toram
plus anything else you need, like vga=nornal, dma, and
so forth.
When DSL has finished booting, you can eject the live CD,
and then use the CDW program, or cdrecord on command line.
I assume you have your desired iso on a USB stick or something,
as your hard drive is fried.
There is some documentation for CDW < here. >
You can change the temp storage directory in CDW in the options menu,
if it chews up your ram....remember, you at least need enough ram to
hold the DSL operating system, plus any /tmp storage that might be
Hope it helps.

Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Sep. 01 2005,15:25
Just use cdrecord.

as root,

Code Sample
cdrecord -scanbus

to get the scsi location of your cdrw. I'll assume it's at 0,0,0 for the next command. change it to suit your needs.

Code Sample
cdrecord dev=0,0,0 speed=16 /path/to/whatever.iso

and wait till it's done.

There is a bit more info in < teh wiki >, or you can

Code Sample
man cdrecord


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