Problem with Dillo in DSL 1.5

Forum: Apps
Topic: Problem with Dillo in DSL 1.5
started by: ksimons

Posted by ksimons on Sep. 11 2005,13:35
I hope this is the right forum for reporting bugs in individual programs. Somehow the news forum didn't seem right.

Previous versions of Dillo coped quite nicely with Latin-1 special characters (acutes, graves, diareses, umlauts) but the upgraded version in DSL 1.5 does this strange thing of clipping the offending word at the accented character -- for instance , café appears as caf,  montańa as monta, Köln just as K, etc.

Posted by ksimons on Oct. 13 2005,02:52
I've just burned DSL 2.0 rc and I'm sad to say, the problem with properly-coded accented characters not showing up in DSL's current Dillo hack remains. I don't have this problem with the version of Dillo on DSL 1.4 and earlier.

Just to recap, it seems that any extended character entity -- whether numerical like é or text like é -- is not rendered in the browser, and worse still, the rest of the word is truncated.

I'm surprised that no one else has reported this problem. Doesn't anyone else visit webpages about cafés or even Mötötorhead?


Posted by BlackRose on Oct. 14 2005,06:58
I totally agree with your remark !
I just test DSL 2.0 this morning and discover the problem of accented characters in Dillo v0.8

Is there a parameter or a font to change ?

Is it a bug ?

Someone has news about this ?
Black ...

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