clawn sylpheed

Forum: Apps
Topic: clawn sylpheed
started by: //a4

Posted by //a4 on Sep. 19 2005,17:56
I missing some functions in the dsl sylpheed version.

I found the clawn version of the sylpheed wich have this functions.

1.) Can i install the sylpheed clawn on DSL?
2.) How can i install this?

Posted by Your Fuzzy God on Sep. 19 2005,19:13
Where did you see this information?  I don't find anything on sylpheed clawn or clawn email at all...
Posted by //a4 on Sep. 19 2005,19:22
sorry for error,
not "clawn"
i mean "claws".

< >

Posted by Your Fuzzy God on Sep. 19 2005,20:30
1.  Right click --> Apps -->Tools -->Enable apt
2.  Open Xterm and type "sudo apt-get install sylpheed-claws" without the quotes

However, you need glib installed on your machine and I have never had any success getting glib (libglib).  Maybe someone more experienced would know?

Posted by //a4 on Sep. 19 2005,20:31
I have now sylpheed-clawn installed.
This was my installation way:

sudo su
apt-get update
apt-cache search sylpheed
apt-get install sylpheed-claws

thats all.

Posted by //a4 on Sep. 19 2005,20:33
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