Opera for free!

Forum: Apps
Topic: Opera for free!
started by: struppi

Posted by struppi on Sep. 21 2005,11:39

opera 8.5 is out and it's free! no ads no banners.

*waiting for "opera85.uci"* the perfect DSL-browser.

Posted by adssse on Sep. 21 2005,12:49
Very cool, I wonder what prompted the removal of the ads?
Posted by NotTheMama on Sep. 21 2005,14:39
Quote (adssse @ Sep. 21 2005,14:49)
Very cool, I wonder what prompted the removal of the ads?

The hope, that more users will use opera and more income is generated via paid support....

I recently got some free license codes because of the 10th anniversary of opera... They were giving away free licenses for a time period of 24 hours. Now I know why they did.... :)

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