Flash mx install?

Forum: Apps
Topic: Flash mx install?
started by: PsiLizard

Posted by PsiLizard on Sep. 21 2005,17:52
I'm pretty much a newbie to linux and I use flash mx a lot. It would really be handy to be able to carry it around with me so that i can use it on any computer without having to install it. I was wondering if it is possible to install it to the live cd and be able to run it in DSL from ram. I've found < this guide > about installing and running it in linux, but I don't know if it can be done onto a live cd. Is it at all possible to run flash mx off of a DSL live cd?
Posted by mikshaw on Sep. 21 2005,19:44
I hae no experience with wine in DSL, so I can only make a suggestion based on assumption...
If you can get wine to install as a myDSL extension, you could then install flashmx and backup the whole fake windows directory.  Just getting wine into a portable package would be the biggest task, as far as i can tell.

Posted by Your Fuzzy God on Sep. 21 2005,21:40
This link might help out with installing wine:
< http://damnsmalllinux.org/cgi-bin....95;st=5 >

Also (not to be d*ck or anything, just a friendly note) it is technically against the Macromedia license agreement to install Flash, Drreamweaver, Fireworks, etc on non-fixed media.  So you might want to get some duct-tape and "fix" that cdrom inside the tray nice and tight.

Hope this help,

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