Hotmail/Webmail proxy???

Forum: Apps
Topic: Hotmail/Webmail proxy???
started by: Nosher

Posted by Nosher on Sep. 24 2005,21:03
Can anyone suggest a way to access my hotmail account from within sylpheed, or suggest an alternative?

I'm new to this linux stuff and feel like a fish out of water... :;):


Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Sep. 24 2005,21:36
Hotmail does not support using a POP mail client to read your email. They only allow you to use the webmail interface.

At least as far as I know.


Posted by hawki on Sep. 24 2005,21:44
There are supposed to be ways to get into your web hotmail using popmail but I can't say how.  If you want free popmail access my advice is to get and use a gmail account.  They are large,free, and popmail friendly.
good luck

Posted by Nosher on Sep. 26 2005,22:22
Thanks for the advice guys.

I have come across "Hotwayd", which claims to be a POP3/SMTP to HTTPMail gateway. I have not got around to trying it yet as i am a bit busy at the mo... But will post my results when i have.

On the other hand I have just got myself a Gmail account so i might ditch Hotmail altogether... :;):

Thanks again

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