How to maximize  firefox at startup

Forum: Apps
Topic: How to maximize  firefox at startup
started by: dexdex

Posted by dexdex on Sep. 27 2005,16:57
Hi, I've searched through the forum but did not find a hint for my problem. I have a hdd dsl running and firefox should start with max window. the command "firefox -geometry 1024x768" still open the small firefox window. Is there a script and where i have to put the information? Thx for help and sorry for terrible english ;-)
Posted by mikshaw on Sep. 27 2005,18:48
Firefox does not accept a geometry parameter.  I'm not sure why, but there are a few of those things linux users take for granted that the Firefox developers did not think are worth including.

Have you tried resizing the window and then closing it?  I don't think it works for maximized/fullscreen windows, but it should keep the dimensions of a manually resized window.

Another option is to create a small html page for your start page that includes a javascript to resize the window onLoad (check for examples).  But I can't remember if DSL's firefox supports javascript.

Still another option is to browse through the billions of firefox config files looking for something that sets the geometry.

Posted by dexdex on Sep. 29 2005,12:39
Thanks for reply. I trid to manually resize the windows, then close and reopen but the same result - small window ;-( Thats why I think there must be a goemetry code exist (like the dilo ini file) for firefox but I searched through all the firefox ini files but could not find the code. the starting website is an external page, so the way  over javascript is not possible. Seems that I have to go for a second round to fix my problem.
Posted by cbagger01 on Sep. 29 2005,16:29
One way to get at many Firefox configuration settings is to type:


into the Addressbar and press ENTER

At least this works in Win32 Firefox.  I have not tried it in Linux Firefox.

Posted by dexdex on Sep. 29 2005,18:10
Well, the command about:config works but I can't find a entry for starting size of firefox. So I am still looking for ;-( but thx anyway I didn't know about the about:config command for firefox ;-)
Posted by harivolker on Oct. 31 2005,01:11
you surely want something like
Code Sample
[exec] (firefox) {firefox -width 1024 -height 768} </path/to/your/favorite/firefox_icon>

in your ~/.fluxbox/menu (or wherever you save your fluxbox-menu-file).

A good read in any case:
< >

Regards, Harivolker

Posted by mikshaw on Oct. 31 2005,02:40
Did you try that suggestion before posting it?  You might discover that it doesn't work.
Firefox is based on Mozilla, but it is not Mozilla...not all moz commandline options work for firefox.
Also icons don't work in DSL's fluxbox menu, so it's probably not a good idea to confuse people by including them.

Posted by clacker on Oct. 31 2005,12:54
I agree with mikshaw that the suggested line doesn't work, but I'm unsure why it doesn't work.  If you run firefox -help you see the command line switches for height and width are at least documented in the versions of firefox included in dsl.
Posted by roadie on Oct. 31 2005,21:18
You might try this, see if it works for you, does for me.
I don't know if Java has to be installed. Also I'm not sure if DSL has xwininfo, tho it's not needed.

Step 1 - start Mozilla or Firefox and adjust the window how you like it.

Step 2 - Open up a terminal window and issue the command "xwininfo" and then click on the Mozilla or Firefox window. This will dump the window settings and geometry to the terminal window.

Step 3 - type this in the url bar to set the window size:

javascript: resizeTo(1024,724);

1024x724 is what xwininfo returned for my preferred size. Substitute with your xwininfo geometry settings.

Step 4 - Close the Mozilla or Firefox window and restart Firefox to make sure the settings have worked.


If you have turned off javascript on the browser, you have to turn it on, make the changes and then turn it back off if you like. It seems that the javascript command causes Firefox or Mozilla to save the settings in the xml file. This has to be done for each user individually.


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