Forum: Apps
Topic: OOo
started by: gsusfreak777

Posted by gsusfreak777 on Sep. 29 2005,07:40
Just a question, and I'm sorry if it's a stupid one (I'm new to Linux), but can I use with DSL?

Would I need to download the PPC or x86 version?  -If someone could explain the difference (in basic language ;)) I'd really appreciate it!

Thanks for your help!

Posted by brianw on Oct. 02 2005,23:52
You can use  There is a DSL download in the downloads section.  It takes alot of resources apparently, read the info file before you download.  As for the version, that depends on your computer.  Are you running DSL on a PPC or an intel x86 (most common computers are intels with pentium, pentiumII, celeron, amd, cyrix, etc... cpus).  If you are not sure then you are probably running an x86.
Posted by ke4nt1 on Oct. 03 2005,01:55
The version of OpenOffice 2.0 in the repository seems to require LESS memory
than the earlier versions did..  Give it a try..

< >

Open a shell, and type " mydsl-load openoffice-2.0.uci testing "
or download it from the repository, and use the usual methods..


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