byAdobe Acrobat 7.0

Forum: Apps
Topic: byAdobe Acrobat 7.0
started by: shibby

Posted by shibby on Sep. 30 2005,22:07

Allow me to start by saying that I am very much new to linux, so I am taking babysteps in getting everything set up.  My problem is this.

I downloaded Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0 and followed the installation instructions.  When I try to run the program (acroread) it fails on me with the following error.

/usr/local/Adobe/Acrobat7.0/Reader/intellinux/bin/acroread: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

However, the directory exists, and I see the so file.  Any suggestions?  Any environment variables I need to set that I haven't?  I'm willing to try anything at this point.

[edit] I failed to mention that I absolutely have to use Adobe's client, and not the xpdf that comes with the OS.

- Shibby

Posted by mikshaw on Oct. 01 2005,05:03
Are you sure that the so file you see is  This looks like a gtk2 library to me, which doesn't exist in the default DSL system.  You may want to try the gtk2 extension from the mydsl repository.
< >

Posted by brianw on Oct. 02 2005,23:44
What about Xpdf?  Will it read the pdf files you need to view?
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