plarpebu karaoke player

Forum: Apps
Topic: plarpebu karaoke player
started by: jls legalize

Posted by jls legalize on Oct. 03 2005,20:42
I got this error:
no java virtual machine could be found from your path.
I have jre1_5_0.uci loaded.
< plarpebu >

Posted by toto2000 on Jan. 04 2006,15:13
Go get the full installer from : < >

Chosse the installer with VM.

Posted by roberts on Jan. 04 2006,16:49
IMHO Java has too many paths to set.
I am assuming that you have tried
export PATH="$PATH":/opt/jre1_5_0/bin
export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jre1_5_0

Sometimes you also need to set a CLASSPATH.

And sometimes it is real easy to just preface the startup script like this:


Note that is a space between them and not a semicolon

Recently the preface way was the only way to get an Java app working, I recall it was freemind.

So it is possible, even using the UCI. Just takes a little more effort but so worth it.

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