installing or running  instant messengers

Forum: Apps
Topic: installing or running  instant messengers
started by: jeromeswdsl

Posted by jeromeswdsl on Oct. 04 2005,01:32
I'm wondering if its possible to install or run an instant messenger like gaim or amsn on dsl.
Posted by mikshaw on Oct. 04 2005,02:38
< >
Check the "network" section for amsn and "gtk2" for gaim

Posted by jeromeswdsl on Oct. 05 2005,01:09
thanks it worked
Posted by BobTheGoatgod on Oct. 10 2005,00:02
Is it possible to get the tar package from to work on DSL?
Posted by Your Fuzzy God on Oct. 10 2005,17:17
yeah, i was actually working on a howto for getting the aim tarball to work on dsl, but I got frustrated when I was about finished and Beaver closed on me.  I will hopefully get this up soon.
Posted by BobTheGoatgod on Oct. 11 2005,22:51
I downloaded Gaim and an icon appeared on the desktop. But when I click on it, nothing happens. What else do i have to do or what should I have done.
Posted by jeromeswdsl on Oct. 12 2005,00:49
I tried the same thing and got the same result so i downloaded amsn. That worked for some reason Gaim didn't work for me.
Posted by melonfoogee on Oct. 16 2005,06:15
The same thing happened to me! Did you guys figure out why?
Posted by melonfoogee on Oct. 19 2005,03:57
i figured it out duh!!!! go to myDSL Extension browser, GTK2 , and download the gtk2 file....


Posted by AwPhuch on Oct. 19 2005,17:27
Can we get gaim.uci please


Posted by BobTheGoat on Oct. 19 2005,19:46
Quote (Guest @ Oct. 18 2005,23:57)
i figured it out duh!!!! go to myDSL Extension browser, GTK2 , and download the gtk2 file....


I did that but it still does not work
Posted by doobit on Oct. 19 2005,20:49
try amsn.uci and follow the instructions on the info page. It is a beautiful msn client.
Posted by jeromeswdsl on Oct. 20 2005,01:36
i second the goatherd same thing happened to me

Posted by durbnpoisn on Oct. 20 2005,18:58
This is all fine and dandy, and appears to work just fine.  But, I don't have a MSN account.  I use AIM.

Is there an AIM program other than that text version that I can use?

In the meantime, I am attempting to install GAIM.  Wish me luck...

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