howto php dsl

Forum: Apps
Topic: howto php dsl
started by: dIna

Posted by dIna on Oct. 06 2005,19:30
I tried so hard to install php on my laptop but it seems there is no way.
I followed < > but it doesn't work.
Nothing also using apt-get.
I need some one guide me step by step and let me know how to install php in dsl with and HD installation, starting from the begin.
Thank you.

Posted by Your Fuzzy God on Oct. 06 2005,23:04
I have never tryed to install php in dsl, but< LAMPPIX > comes with it preinstalled.  LAMPPIX is based off of DSL, however the newest version (V1.1) is 156Mb.  So it has expanded to 3x the size of DSL.  You may want to check it out, it is a nice distro.

Hope this helps,

Posted by dIna on Oct. 07 2005,09:10
I've tried LAMPPIX but it didn't boot on my old laptop.
Many distro LiveCd I've tried doesn't boot from my cd.
I've also tried IBLS. It works... but I need X and the downloadable version 0.3 don't have it.
Help ! :)

Posted by ivrobi on Oct. 07 2005,13:54
Why don't you try XAMPP from Apachefriends? It works under DLS and you have the whole package - Apache, PHP, MySQL, etc. etc. etc...


Posted by dIna on Oct. 08 2005,08:50
XAMPP works well!!!
Thank you very much!
DSL & XAMPP rule!

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