.UCI tutorial

Forum: Apps
Topic: .UCI tutorial
started by: loell

Posted by loell on Oct. 09 2005,00:10
i would like to make a .uci extension, is there a detailed tutorial
for doing it? i mean adding scripts, and resolving dependencies?

Posted by mikshaw on Oct. 09 2005,14:40
UCI files are built exactly like tar.gz extensions, except they are compressed in a different way and usually include a mini tar.gz extension within them (/opt/<programname>/user.tar.gz).
< http://damnsmalllinux.org/wiki/index.php/Category:MyDSL >
Follow the same procedure as tar.gz, just remember to put writeable files that will not be in /opt/programname into user.tar.gz before creating the cloop file.  Then instead of tarring up the package, use the UCI doc to finish up.

Posted by loell on Oct. 09 2005,22:31
Thanks mikshaw,  :)
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