Help installing program

Forum: Apps
Topic: Help installing program
started by: Georgc

Posted by Georgc on Oct. 16 2005,02:11
Hi, im new to DSL and I need a little help. I want to download and install limewire. I go to the My DSL icon on the desktop. Click and download the limewire.dsl file. I open the file explorer, selected the limewire.dsl file, clicked on the My DSL button.  After a few seconds the desktop refreshes. Nothing happens after that. I am at a loss please some one help me.
Posted by Your Fuzzy God on Oct. 17 2005,15:45
"** Requires JAVA - use the jre1_5_0.tar.gz or jre1_5_0.uci **"
Posted by Georgc on Oct. 17 2005,22:38
I dont know if i did it right but i just exstracted the files form the jre1_5_0.tar.gz to the opt folder. In the opt folder there is a folder that says jre1_5_0 with a couple of subdirs and files in it. When i try to "My DSL" limewire, nothing happens.
Posted by rossjman1 on Oct. 19 2005,02:11
click on myDSL for the java thing and limewire. Right click on the desktop. There will be a new menu "MyDSL".
Posted by Georgc on Oct. 19 2005,03:52
Yeah  i just got it working 5 min befor i looked at this post. I would like to thank you for your help guys.
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