Auto load..GRUB

Forum: Apps
Topic: Auto load..GRUB
started by: iakudi

Posted by iakudi on Oct. 19 2005,23:51
Now that I have managed to install a copy of frugal onto my laptop I no longer need to boot up from the floppy, but can someone answer me this:

1) How can I avoid goign through the whole process of choosing my screen size, mouse, keyboard etc. at the start?

2) I try to rboot and it always halts, switching to console mode Inotice it says waiting to eject CD and hit enter - which works when I hit the enter, can I get around this?

3) How do I install Opera, there appear to be 2 versions listed in My DSL but I how do I install them?


Posted by mikshaw on Oct. 20 2005,00:30
1) Check your menu.lst (i think it's in /cdrom/boot/grub) for "xsetup".  If it's in there, then remove it.  If it's not, hope that someone else can help you.

2) Boot with the "frugal" boot option (also in menu.lst)

3) Install the latest one (In "testing" i think. look at the info to compare versions), which has no banner ads.  If you're using the mydsl gui, it should automatically install when you download it.  After that, you should copy the opera file from /tmp to /cdrom if you want it to automatically install when you reboot.

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