Siag Spreadsheet; Merge cells, Sheet references

Forum: Apps
Topic: Siag Spreadsheet; Merge cells, Sheet references
started by: RHTopics

Posted by RHTopics on Oct. 25 2005,14:46
Is it possible to merge cells in Siag?  That is, to be able to be create titles in a spreadsheet by typing the text for the title in the leftmost cell in the block, select the block, and then do "something" which would merge then cells without affecting the width of the cells underneath the merged cells.

Also, does anyone know the correct formula syntax to include the sheet name in a cell reference?

Posted by clacker on Oct. 25 2005,16:35
RHTopics, I'm not sure about the mergre.  You might need to write your own in scheme.  Could you do want you want to using the concatenate command, which joins strings together?
= concatenate(A1,B1,C1)

Getting the contents of another cell is done using get_cell(rownumber,colnumber,"Sheet Name") (Sheet name is in quotes and is optional).

To try it out, make a second sheet and put 33 into the A3 cell of the second sheet.  Go to the first sheet and type get_cell(1,3,"Sheet 2") and it puts 33 into that cell.


Just found that you can also do +"Sheet 2"!"A3" instead of using get_cell when you need to reference a cell on another sheet.

Posted by RHTopics on Oct. 25 2005,20:46

Thank you for your response.  I got both the get_cell function and +"Sheet 2"!"A3" to work as C expressions.  Still trying to figure out how to convert them into SIOD expressions.

On the merge cells capability, I just wonder if the underlying grid widget used in Siag is able to support that type of operation.



Posted by clacker on Oct. 25 2005,21:47
RHTopics, The siod expression is (x-get-cell row colum "Sheet name").

This puts the string from the conversion of a number in another sheet into the status bar:

(llpr (number->string (x-get-cell 1 1 "sheet 2")))

to write the other sheet's cell to the currently selected cell try:

(set-data nil (number->string (x-get-cell 3 2 "Sheet 2")) 0 LABEL (make-position R C)))

Posted by RHTopics on Oct. 26 2005,01:05

Thanks again.

I got both (x-get-cell 1 1 "Sheet name") and (get_cell 1 1 "Sheet name") to work as SIOD expressions

I got Errors when trying your two example SIOD formula expressions.  The first one worked when I removed the llpr function from it.  I tried the llpr function by itself, passing in string like (llpr "string") and it also generated an Error.


Posted by clacker on Oct. 26 2005,01:56
RHTopics, you're right.  When you right click on a cell and choose expression->siod from the menu, (get_cell 2 2) puts the value of cell B2 into the current cell.  If you do what I was doing, selecting a cell and entering a left parenthesis, it looks like a command dialog comes up but it wants to see a different form.

Your way of choosing expreession->siod from the right click menu is much better than what I was doing.

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