Yahoo Messenger

Forum: Apps
Topic: Yahoo Messenger
started by: JustoTech

Posted by JustoTech on Oct. 26 2005,02:06

I'm running a full HD install of DSL 1.3 using a Compaq Armada M700.  I didn't have any problems with the install and everything worked fine.

The problem I'm coming up with is that when I try to install the Debian Yahoo Messenger Client I get a message like so from the console:

Yahoo messenger depends on the following two files: LIBGDK-PIXBUF2 and LIBSS10.9.6

So it says that it can't install the program.  What I was wondering is if someone knows a way around that or knows of a home-brew program that I can use instead of the official yahoo version.  I'd also like to use MSN at the same time because it checks my email constantly.

Anyone willing to help please let me know.


Posted by JustoTech on Oct. 26 2005,10:38
Um yeah, you ever feel like an idiot?

I was able to download the two files I was missing with Synaptic.  Now yahoo works like it's supposed to.  Thanks for giving me the oppurtunity to waste Server Space.

Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Oct. 26 2005,14:00
Was there something wrong with the ymess.dsl in MyDSL?

Both my father and I use it daily. It works fine, and is a lot easier than mucking about with apt.


Posted by JustoTech on Oct. 26 2005,23:35
For some reason every time I try to use MyDSL I get an error message that says: "Non DSL related issues." and it won't let me do anything.  So I've used Synaptic to get all of programs without any problem.
Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Oct. 27 2005,02:21
Because you are not logged in as user "dsl".

Log in as dsl to use MyDSL.


Posted by JustoTech on Oct. 27 2005,03:58
Ok, I logged in as DSL and now I'm getting Download or Checksum errors.  Now what?
Posted by WDef on Oct. 27 2005,09:37
read < this >
Mikshaw & CBagger to the rescue as usual :=)

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