Install Apps without Net

Forum: Apps
Topic: Install Apps without Net
started by: jeremy1701

Posted by jeremy1701 on Nov. 02 2005,16:34
Hi all,
I'm running DSL on top of Win2k. I have not installed it, but that's another topic in itself. I'm behind a pretty serious proxy and can't get out to install applications using apt. I've downloaded a tarball to my hd from this site to install, but I can't seem to get to the hd, let alone install from there.

Is there a way I can install apps from my HD?


Posted by AwPhuch on Nov. 02 2005,21:50
Download the *.dep package..then use the debian installer..similar to rpm to install

dpkg -i

Get the synaptic.dsl and try to update the repositories that way


Hope that helps


Posted by mikshaw on Nov. 03 2005,00:15
I think the problem is that you can't access local harddrives from within DSL embedded....or at least that's what I remember reading somewhere not too long ago.  If you can't access a harddrive, you can't access files downloaded onto it.  I'm sure there must be a workaround, but since i have no experience with embedded i can't say what it is.  Try looking in the "embedded" forum for help.
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