
Forum: Apps
Topic: f-prot
started by: scheggia di silicio

Posted by scheggia di silicio on Nov. 06 2005,16:52
excuse me for my english, then:
I downloaded f-prot in debian package form and I have try to install it using
dpkg -i package.name.dep
system said me I need libnet-perl and libwww-perl, I found them with synaptic, but it didn't install them, why? I also try to use synaptic with sudo, it's the same.
If I don't install those library I can't install f-prot!
why install f-prot in linux? becouse  I use it to check hard disk with win 9x or Me.

Posted by S3tH on Nov. 13 2005,01:41
I think what you are asking is the following:

::When I try to install "whatever program" using the apt-get function, I am told that I can't install without installing "some library"::

If I am understanding your question this means that the package you are installing is dependant on those libraries.  In order for your program to work you have to have the other packages.  So what you need to do is install those packages then install the program you want.

Hope that helps

Posted by RoGuE_StreaK on Nov. 13 2005,05:34
I'm pretty sure there's an additional command you can use that essentially says "install this, and any additional packages it may require", but I can't find it at the moment (has old data from the forums been lost?)
Sorry I can't be more help than that at the moment.  Maybe try googling for a list of apt-get install commands?  (Probably need to apt-get the first time around, find the list of debs installed and in what order, back them up, then use the dpkg install for later re-installs from the pre-downloaded files)

ie.  first try, don't download debs and use dpkg -i, use apt-get instead so it can automatically find the dependencies and install them, then you'll have the deb files in a temp folder somewhere, which you can back up for later use using dpkg -i

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