VNC and fullscreen

Forum: Apps
Topic: VNC and fullscreen
started by: S3tH

Posted by S3tH on Nov. 11 2005,23:51
I often like to run vncserver on my gentoo desktop which allows me to run many programs at a higher speed from my laptop (DSL).  However, if I try to run vncviewer as fullscreen everything seems to be alright until I try to use my keyboard.  As it would seem, the keyboard is still writing to the xterm which I started the vncviewer from.  When I looked at the man pages it said that some window managers do have this problem, but I wasn't able to figure out what settings I had to change to solve it.  If anyone knows I would greatly appreciate some help.  Let me know if you need more info.


Posted by S3tH on Nov. 13 2005,22:05
Problem not fully solved, but delt with through care of mouseclicks.  It seems that this problem does not always occur and seems to only occur if activation of the terminal which calls vncviewer is activated (accidentally) while the desktop is loading.


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