Open OfficeForum: Apps Topic: Open Office started by: Fireball Posted by Fireball on Nov. 12 2005,21:09
I need to know how to install open office
Posted by adssse on Nov. 12 2005,23:13
If you are using a frugal install, live cd, etc. than you can download it from here:< > Check the md5sum. Then open emelfm, navigate to the file, click on it to select it and click the mydsl button in the upper middle of the screen. It will than be mounted and accessible from under the mydsl portion of the menu that appears when you right click the desktop. Since this is a .uci extension it can also be unmounted in a similar manner. If you are using a classic hd install, you should probably use apt to get it. Posted by TravMan1963 on Nov. 16 2005,01:03
Will Open Office 1.9 (2.0) work with DSL? How about via WINE?I have it installed (Open Office) - on a win 98 machine - that dual boots with Ubuntu... however Ubuntu is fairly slow on this machine. (500 mHz) - and has some display issues (laptop - sometimes the external monitor goes blank). DSL is much faster (especially when toram is used -- zoom! ![]() Open Office is installed on both Ubuntu and W98... the Ubuntu version is snappier in response time - but has the display issues... W98 has too many halt/hangs... TM Posted by adssse on Nov. 16 2005,13:25
Open Office works well with dsl. It does require quite a bit of ram, but I am guessing you have enough since you have run it on this system under other os's. Wine wont be needed to run it. Depending on your installation type you can either use the extension at the link above or you can use apt-get to download it.
Posted by TravMan1963 on Nov. 17 2005,08:07
System is a 500mhz AMD.. 196 MB... HP LaptopI got Open Office 1.x to install fine (on another machine) .. but I'd rather use 2.0 - Impress works much better ... can I get that from Debian? (I used the My DSL icon to install it.. and audacity .... and.... and.. ![]() Very cool... on another topic - I used the system backup.... but it didn't appear to do any thing ![]() TIA....TM Posted by adssse on Nov. 17 2005,16:53
You can find OO 2.0 in .uci form here:< > What were yo trying to back up? Posted by TravMan1963 on Nov. 18 2005,01:18
The system settings... (that's what I was trying to backup)...Thanks 4 the link TM Posted by TravMan1963 on Nov. 18 2005,02:17
Open Office 2.0 downloaded great!BUT..... Arial font (as well as a few others that I use) - are not installed.... and therefore - the output isn't acceptable. PowerPoint files with images work fine (and works much faster than OOffice 2.0 in XP on the same machine... I have about 400+ PPT files to use ---- so the next question is - how to install fonts... TIA TM Posted by Vincent on Jan. 08 2006,23:17
Hey,I installed DSL on my older Compaq Deskpro (Celeron) and its running nice... But missing the new Open Office 2 Version. I tried out the below mentioned link < > but could not find the OO 2 download (maybe not anymore???...) 1. How I can get the OO2 for DSL LINUX? 2. How I install and run it? My RAM=64 HD=6,2 GB hda1=1,5 GB hda2=swap 200 MB (but I see now that its not in use from DSL... it is necessary/helpful any swap partition for DSL)? hda3=4,5 GB (plan to install DOS games on... better to use FREEDOS or DOS EMULATOR under DSL?) I hope you can help me soon... Greetings, Vincent Posted by ZOop on Jan. 12 2006,13:08
Hi!@TravMan1963: OpenOffice/File/Assistant/Download Fonts from the Internet (or someting like that; my OOo speaks german). @Vincent: "1. How I can get the OO2 for DSL LINUX?" try another server, they are listed in the main page of; choose UCI applications, then openoffice2.0 and download (near 109 MB). 2. How I install and run it? in DSL: open EmelFM, then select the UCI application of OOo and click on mydsl in EmelFM, icons will be placed on the desktop; click on the icons in order to use a program. 3. Config.: my experience is not so good with low-ram computers and OpenOffice 2.0. It takes a very long time in order to open a document. Last test with: RAM= 110, HD=256 MB, SWAP=1Go on an external usb hdd; OpenOffice opens a document within 10 min. I hope this helps yours |