chroot : /bin/bash No such file?

Forum: Apps
Topic: chroot : /bin/bash No such file?
started by: aubads

Posted by aubads on Nov. 16 2005,10:55
having difficulty chrooting?

error is:

root&ttyp(0)[bin]: chroot /mnt/sda1/source/knoppix
chroot: /bin/bash: No such file or directory

Appreciate help.
Trying to remaster......

Posted by adssse on Nov. 16 2005,13:47
I am not for sure but it may have something to do with the fact that dsl uses busybox instead of the gnu core utilities. (If someone could confirm/deny this I would appreciate it.) You could try installing the following extension to install the gnu core utilities from here:
< >

Posted by clivesay on Nov. 16 2005,14:07
make sure the partition has been mounted as root.

Code Sample
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1

If you have copied everything to 'source' then just chroot in

Code Sample
chroot source/

Good luck


Posted by clacker on Nov. 16 2005,14:19
My guess is that your source/knoppix directory was empty.

I use chroot for remastering.  Normally I'll create a /home/dsl/sources directory (because I have enough memory) and copy /KNOPPIX into it.  I become root with sudo su and then run the following script to create the directories:

Code Sample
mkdir source
mkdir newcd
mkdir newcd/KNOPPIX
cp -Rp /cdrom/boot newcd
cp -Rp /cdrom/lost+found newcd
cp -p /cdrom/index.html newcd
cp -Rp /KNOPPIX source

Copy any files you need (dpkg.dsl or whatever) into the source/KNOPPIX directory so you can reach them after the chroot command.

Then (still as root) I'll run chroot /source/KNOPPIX and that works for me.  When you're done, type <CNTRL>D or type exit to exit the chroot.

Posted by aubads on Nov. 16 2005,17:15
Thanks so far.

However no luck.
Cant see gnu-utils on the web site listed

have mounted as root rw, no luck.

anyone else?


Posted by cbagger01 on Nov. 16 2005,17:29
Linux filenames / directorynames are CaSe SeNsiTiVe


source/KNOPPIX work for you?

Also, you can use the TAB key on you keyboard to automatically complete the file path, IE:

cd /mnt/s

and then press TAB and you get

cd /mnt/sda1

Press TAB again and you might get

cd /mnt/sda1/sources

If not, keep pressing the TAB key until the right directory appears.  You can help the process by typing in the first few letters of your next directory name before you press TAB.

Posted by aubads on Nov. 16 2005,17:48
Just tried the suggested remaster method.

when trying to do a simple:
Code Sample

cp -Rp /KNOPPIX/boot newcd
cp: cannot create symbolic link 'newcd/boot/': Operation not permitted

Same when doing the rest of the copies

Seems like a permission issue?
I am root when doing this.

Posted by aubads on Nov. 16 2005,18:10
Just getting worse.

Firstly I had the chroot issue (still unresolved).
2ndly I have the cp issue (with symbolic links not copying)

Now when I tried to create the source/KNOPPIX directory, it creates but when I check with an : ls command it showss up in lower case.
eg knoppix?

Help please.... :(

Posted by clivesay on Nov. 16 2005,18:40
OK, here we go. Quick Knoppix remastering howto.

Spin up the DSL CD
Pick a partition to remaster from. I will choose sda1 as that is in your first post
Code Sample
mount /dev/sda /mnt/sda1

now, as root, do the following commands
Code Sample
mkdir /mnt/sda1/source

Code Sample
mkdir /mnt/sda1/newcd/KNOPPIX

Code Sample
cp -Rp /cdrom/boot /mnt/sda1/newcd

Copy the FS over to /mnt/sda1/source

Code Sample
cp -Rp /KNOPPIX/* /mnt/sda1/source

Code Sample
cp -Rp /KNOPPIX/.bash_profile /mnt/sda1/source

Now your remaster environment is set.
Now these commands, as root

Code Sample
cd /mnt/sda1

Code Sample
chroot source

Now you are in the remastering environment. when you are done type 'exit' at the command prompt.

There are many ways to remaster Knoppix and many other steps to utilize depending on what you're doing. This is a simple way to setup the environment and chroot into it.


Posted by aubads on Nov. 16 2005,19:06
Solved the permission, symlink and most importantly the chroot issue...

Thanks to:
- Clacker
- Cbagger01
- Clivesay
for you info, which got me thinking about each step.

In particular the case sensitive statement.
Basically the solution is that you need to create an ext2 filesystem

I guess you guys may have already known this and it was just implied.
I had a dos fat filesystem

When i did a mk2efs on the filesystem and eveything started to copy fine.
This statement needs to be in the FAQ or Remastering doc....

The next step I will be asking is
- compiling new application in the environment.
- booting into the new environment to test
Anyone have any tips?


Posted by clivesay on Nov. 16 2005,19:09
Quote (aubads @ Nov. 16 2005,13:06)
Basically the solution is that you need to create an ext2 filesystem

DOH! I guess we did assume that, sorry!  :)


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