Open Office Impress presentation

Forum: Apps
Topic: Open Office Impress presentation
started by: TravMan1963

Posted by TravMan1963 on Nov. 19 2005,23:51
Having a problem with Open Office Impress - (2.0)
machine is a laptop... HP Pavilion N3310 - AMD K6.@ 500Mhz. 192MB..10GB

has win 98 and Ubuntu installed - DSL 2.0.1 live cd....
OOffice 2.0 installed (copied to HD so can 'restore it' after a reboot)...

Problem -
When viewing a slide in 'normal' mode - it looks fine... when going to slideshow mode - the font sizes change (they appear all equal)... - going back to normal mode shows the correct sizes.  (in another post - I thought that the fonts were to blame  - that arial is/was not installed - the default font (like arial)  - is what is used in DSL - that's what I'm talking about here...)

I tried changing the video mode (vesa?) - with no change (except it was a little slower).  Open Office 1 won't allow slide insertions - so it's not an option.

I also installed fluxbox into ubuntu... that did not cause any display problems (other than the external monitor going black --- which is what is needed - happens in Gnome as well)...gdm is running - not xdm with fluxbox..

(and then there is win98.... running Impress as well... and it crashes usually when exiting - and is slower to respond to slide changes than the 2 Linuxes..)

Any ideas?

on another display note - Ubuntu doesn't allow switching from internal to external display --- or back --- DSL does this A-OK !

Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Nov. 20 2005,04:09
The problem probably stems from the fact that DSL has no font server to scale the fonts appropriately when it goes to fullscreen, and OOo tries to work with it by increasing the font size to be as close as possible, probably hitting the max font size on every character.

You might try something like magicpoint that saves the slides as images, or export the slides as images in OOo (not sure this can be done).

As for the internal/external screen issue with ubuntu, it is just disabled in your xf86config-4 or xorg.conf. Should work fine once you figure out which line is disabling it.


Posted by TravMan1963 on Nov. 23 2005,01:11

Since I have >600 ppt files .... this would take a LONG time... and use xtra drive space... is it possible to install a font-server?  apt-get seems broken (running from cd) - from what I've read - DSL must be installed to HD and 'some' libraries installed as well.

Ubuntu has another issue - its not just that the screens go blank and the fn key combo can not switch it, but when a window approaches the left side of the screen (which explains the blank screen during a presentation) - the external display starts to fade - the further left it is moved - the darker the external display becomes....

I can use windows 98..... but I'd rather not...


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