myDSL files not recognized during boot;

Forum: Apps
Topic: myDSL files not recognized during boot;
started by: MrD

Posted by MrD on Nov. 21 2005,21:01
Very interesting distro --  I like the simplicity.

I'm having some trouble on several fronts though.  Most of has to do with myDSL not working as expected.  

I've downloaded and installed several apps including gtk2-0705, Abiword gtk2, Firefox gtk2, gnu-utils in the /mnt/hdb3/home/dsl and the ../optional dir.  However they are not executed during boot, nor do they appear in the myDSL menu.  I did get a calculator to work at one time but it's not appearing anymore.  It's like I've changed something and DSL doesn't process the myDSL stuff anymore.

Also -- I placed start_gtk2  in /opt/, however, since gtk doesn't start at boot, I end up with an "command not found" error in the boot up screen.

Lastly, when I click the myDSL button inside of Emelfm, I get a menu item, but I also get a myriad of errors e.g. for gtk2-0705.dsl:

cat: /home/dsl/.dsktop: no such file or dirctory
tar: Write Error: no space left on device
tar: Cannot create dir etc/deforma/hints
tar: etc/deforma/hints/gsfonts.hints: No such file...
error writing /etc/mtab/tmp: No space left on device
Cannot allocate color

BTW 'free' indicates I have 449k available.
I've spent the last few hours reading the boards and looking for a clue -- I am stumped.

Any help would be appreciated -- pls include full path to any config files you may mention.


Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Nov. 22 2005,00:17
You don't have enough ram to load the extensions you are trying to load.

Simple as that.


Posted by MrD on Nov. 22 2005,02:22
Hmmm Ok I'll check into that. I have 768mb of memory installed and about the same space in a swap partition. I can load the iso to hdb2. Any other suggestions on how to confirm it's a memory problem?


Posted by cbagger01 on Nov. 23 2005,02:49
There is a limited amount of space available in the "root" ramdisk where /etc is located.

If you load too many files into the "/etc" directory, you will get this error.

Because the initial ramdisk size is small, you will get this error regardless of the amount of RAM or Swap available.

The solution is:

Do a full hard disk installation.


Don't load too many of these extensions at the same time.


Copy the contents of /etc over to /ramdisk/etc and then create a symlink that points /etc --> /ramdisk/etc

Posted by MrD on Nov. 23 2005,05:44
Thanks -- this is getting more interesting. I have figured out how to get myDSL apps to work and also how to break them again.  

First, a couple of changes: I added 1gb of RAM today for total of 1.5 gb. I've been wanting to do that for a while, so thx DSL/Knoppix for the excuse to bling some RAM. Secondly, I'm now using DSL v2rc2 (was v1.5)

I moved all my *.dsl apps to /mnt/hdb2 as a temp holding space, then totally cleaned off /mnt/hdb3. I wanted a clean slate. Nice thing about DSL is that's easy to do.

At reboot, did the following command, and on a whim, decided to  copy the cd contents to the harddrive using the tohd=hdxx parameter:
Code Sample
boot:  dsl home=hdb3 opt=hdb3 tohd=hdb2

What happened next totally floored me.  ALL myDSL apps loaded!!  I didn't specify a mydsl=xxxx location.  Holy crap! -- how does this work????

So I did a couple of experiments.
Code Sample
boot:  dsl home=hdb3 opt=hdb3 toram

Result -- no myDSL apps

I moved GTK2-0705 and AbiWord GTK dsl apps back to /mnt/hdb3/home/dsl. I renamed the others *.bak and rebooted:
Code Sample
boot:  dsl mydsl=hdb3 home=hdb3 opt=hdb3 toram

Result -- no myDSL apps!

Hmm. So then rebooted again using the harddrive parameter:
Code Sample
boot:  mydsl=hdb3 dsl home=hdb3 opt=hdb3 fromhd=hdb2

Result -- no myDSL apps!

So is this how it suppose to work or am I tripping over a bug?  I need to test a little more to answer that myself.  However, as for now I will not use the "mydsl=hdxx" startup parameter, just let it default. This gets interesting too -- because "mydsl=hdxx" parameter defaults to the cdrom *however*, if one uses the "fromhd=hdxx", the hd device becomes the cd device.  OK, that threw me for a  loop!!  I figured that out by trying to mount the hdb2 drive and then getting an error msg "device busy and so on"

So -- for now I'm saving myDSL apps to the root of the hdb2,   starting DSL from hdb2 using the "fromhd=hdxx parameter, and setting my home and opt on hdb3.  I won't be using "toram" or "mydsl=hdxx".
Code Sample
boot:  dsl home=hdb3 opt=hdb3 fromhd=hdb2

Result:  Abiword GTK looks great.  :)

Any further explanation of how myDSL suppose to work would be helpful.


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