sick of computersForum: water cooler Topic: sick of computers started by: mikshaw Posted by mikshaw on June 26 2008,23:45
I'm completely sick of trying to make my puter do what I want it to....I want to smash this machine into little bits.I might not be back for a while, or i might be back tomorrow...depends on whether I'm just pissed or if I really do hate my machine. /me kicks a wall and stubs toe Posted by Jason W on June 27 2008,00:25
Be careful kicking things, as I have a permanent ingrown toenail from getting mad and kicking a pallet edgewise. And I do not even remember what I was mad at. I have a punching bag on my front porch that is much safer when I need to let it all out. It is pretty well abused. :-) Seriously though, a day or so away from the PC every now and then is a healthy thing. Something I know I should do more often. Posted by mikshaw on June 27 2008,13:09
I remembered I still have to feed my email and message board addictions, which is something I can do without getting frustrated =o)
Posted by jpeters on June 27 2008,23:55
Ask not what your computer can do for you, but what you can do for your computer Posted by WDef on June 29 2008,11:39
I think it's worse if you work in the industry or at any rate with or on a PC all day long.What helps me is to find some non-work project that stretches me somewhat into new area.. but I have to have the time to commit to it. Posted by curaga on June 30 2008,13:31
Finding out new things each day keeps things fresh. For example freeing some frustrations with some apps the Doom process manager is great ![]() Posted by roberts on July 10 2008,22:50
Sick of computers? I only wish my frustration were limited to such. Some of you know the development environment that I have had to deal with for several years. And so it goes. Except this time, I am closer to a crossroads than ever before. What should be an exciting time, sharing my alpha builds and seeing the community embrace and extended in a very postive way, I am instead burdened with the same as in years past. And every so often the burden is more than I can bare and the so question arises, do I stay, do I go, do I take what is mine and start anew? It is very difficult to develop with such a burden.
Posted by mikshaw on July 11 2008,01:20
Welll...there's the Clash...."Should I Stay Or Should I Go"...staying is usually the most rewarding answer unless she's a psycho.Then there's "Blackbird" fron the Beatles..."Take these broken wings and learn to fly", which implies taking your life experiences, good or bad, and making the best of them. Then there's "Crossroads" from Robert Johnson, but honestly I don't know what that one was about... Posted by Jason W on July 11 2008,01:21
Robert,I did not mean for my raising the question of which version of libpng should be in the compile extension to be a complaint of what was in or not in core. Looking back it may have looked that way, but I was rather meaning that we should adjust the compile extension if necessary to use what is in core. I am sorry if that caused you to feel pressured about the next cut of dslcore. JW Posted by roberts on July 11 2008,01:41
JW. Nothing to do with your post. Nothing to do with any community member. Your many valued contributions will not be for naught.
Posted by kuky on July 11 2008,08:34
hey roberts ....take a walk on the wild a lot of beers to roberts... Posted by lucky13 on July 11 2008,12:51
Johnson's version is "Cross Road Blues." Cream and others have covered it as "Crossroads." (Hang in there, RS.) Posted by curaga on July 11 2008,13:49
There's still meaning to it all.. Some reason left. Don't you dare quit!
Posted by jpeters on July 12 2008,04:54
I think there's an sequel somewhere for aspiring developers, but this seems to work for blues guitar: "'If you want to make a contract with the devil...Take a black cat bone and a guitar and go to a lonely fork in the roads at midnight. Sit down there and play your best piece, thinking of and wishing for the devil all the while. By and by you will hear music, dim at first but growing louder and louder as the music approaches nearer. .After a time you feel something tugging at your instrument...Let the devil take it and keep thumping along with your fingers as if you still had a guitar in your hands. Then the devil will hand you his instrument to play and will accompany you on yours. After doing this for a time he will seize your fingers and trim the nails until they bleed, finally taking his guitar back and returning your own. Keep on playing; do not look around. His music will become fainter and fainter as he moves away...You will be able to play any piece you desire on the guitar and you can do anything , you want to in the world, but you have sold your eternal soul to the devil and are his in the world to come.'" Posted by lovdsl on July 24 2008,22:58
well I guess that speaks something of devotion..I just booted my dsl thumbdrive after months..I was unable to even view the forum with my previous ISP for closed after years of service and low and behold I see the new isp allows me to view the forum and if I can also post I want to let mikshaw know that I have many adds to this thumb thanks to your previous help and hope you stick around so I can newbie pester you some more...just kidding..I will read for a while..all your efforts are perhaps not rewarded often but are not unnoticed...thanks
Posted by WDef on July 25 2008,23:27
Well said.And now .. FU evil diabolical computer machine! Die, you muther! I'm gonna get a nice stick and give my laptop the damn good thrashing it deserves ....!!!! (Fawlty Towers (UK) fans might discern a Basil reference here). Posted by stupid_idiot on July 26 2008,10:23
I get sick of banging around on Linux from time to time too...Just got a short break from work. DSL chroot is back on track and better than before. Pls look forward to it! |