DSL via ISS Space StationForum: water cooler Topic: DSL via ISS Space Station started by: ke4nt1 Posted by ke4nt1 on Aug. 15 2004,04:05
Attn: Any North American hams out there with VHF/Packet/APRS capability...I want to set a sked using 2 copies of DSL and the xastir.dsl package to make a contact via the ISS space station APRS/packet mode... Exchange Call - grid square - and send logs/screendumps from linux/xastir via email to confirm DSL in space !! Contact me at ke4nt{at}damnsmalllinux{dot}org if interested.. See < http://www.ariss.net > for more information 73 ke4nt Posted by Del on Aug. 17 2004,04:22
Well, I'm no help. I've often thought about getting my HAM license, but still haven't done it (in the last 14 years...).Just wanted to post to say "Sounds pretty damn cool. Good luck!" Posted by libretto on Aug. 20 2004,22:25
Sorry can't help here (even though im a ham)You've probably already seen this but if not see < here! > ![]() Posted by ke4nt1 on Nov. 17 2004,17:34
I've had a couple of nibbles here, but NO BITES !I've already documented in screenshots and texts here , about one of the first contacts with the International Space Station, using DSL as the OS for computer operations. Now, using DSL , and a few extensions to plot and schedule a common window, and log/send/receive communications , I truly want be " the first " to make a DSL -TO- DSL contact via ISS. But I need a " second " player here.. it's a 2 man goal. And, they both have to be able to operate DSL and ham radio together. Once completed , and verified thru ISS traffic logs, this is what you will receive to verify the valid contact. ![]() I have 2 of these QSL confirmations already, as well as 2 from the late MIR spacestation , which includes one where I spoke to Jerry Leninger,KC5HBR an American astronaut onboard ISS, from my car one night commuting home. He likes keeping up with baseball scores, he told me. It looks like this... ![]() The NASA supported ARISS project is very active in space. Here are some excellent links describing more information. < http://www.ariss-eu.org/ > < http://www.rac.ca/ariss/ > < http://www.spacetoday.org/Satellites/Hamsats/ARISS.html > < http://www.ariss.net/ > 73 ke4nt Posted by AwPhuch on Nov. 17 2004,18:40
You talked to a dude in space?!?!?!Hmmmmm....kewl Im not a HAM guy but I did do signals intelligence in the Marines (building antennas, signal propogation...junk like that) Would be cool to learn stuff like that!! Brian AwPhuch |