Completely off topic

Forum: water cooler
Topic: Completely off topic
started by: PhrozenFear

Posted by PhrozenFear on Feb. 17 2005,06:21
As many of you may or may not have heard, the 2004-2005 NHL season was officially cancelled this morning at 11 AM MST (GMT-7).  That means no pro hockey this year in North America.

*shoots both sides for being tards*

Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Feb. 17 2005,07:48
Feh, shoot?

*flamethrowers both sides*

*keelhauls the charred remains*

*installs WinME on their boxen*

/THAT'S/ a fitting punishment!


Posted by AwPhuch on Feb. 18 2005,00:56
What those punks weren't getting "paid" enuff or something..its sad when a sport gets cancelled because the payers dont want to play because they dont make multimillion dollar contracts for a few days work a year....

Heck most of us work 8 hrs a day....5 days a week...some of these pansies only play for 3-4 hrs like 3 times a week for 3-4 months...and make millions!

Thats why sports that players dont get paid are more interesting, like highschool and college football...they are there because they still "love" the game and arent corrupted by "love" of money!

Oh and Win ME would be a semi-suitable punishment!


Posted by camzmac on Feb. 19 2005,00:56
Quote (AwPhuch @ Feb. 17 2005,19:56)
Thats why sports that players dont get paid are more interesting, like highschool and college football...they are there because they still "love" the game and arent corrupted by "love" of money!

WHOAH! Yesterday I was reading some articles about Linux vs. Windows, and one was saying how open source software is better because there are no internal corporate pressures, and the programmers aren't programming for the goal of money.

lalala connect the dots...

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