.DSLs not working in 0.7.3Forum: myDSL Extensions (deprecated) Topic: .DSLs not working in 0.7.3 started by: ripcrd6 Posted by ripcrd6 on July 30 2004,18:28
I built a custom ISO using WinISO to include many .dsl files yesterday. I just ran the livecd on a powerful beast of a box (P4 2.4GHz, 1GB of ram) for testing.Some of the .dsl files I realize are from the testing area, but I wanted to report on the working status of them all ASAP. All files were downloaded the morning of 7/28/04. Can't be more specific than that. Not working: Abiword, barrage, bittorent, gcompris, giftui, gimp1_2, mathwar, nessus, nmap, t-bird, penguin-command, tuxpaint, xchat, xpen, xvc. I'm really looking forward to getting t-bird, Abiword and xchat working. Gcompris and some of the other games are for the kids, so they don't mess up the PC. Working: ace, doom, dsl-xjig, firefox.tar.gz, gcombust, gv, j2re1.4.2.tar.gz, kjvbible, lgames, mplayer, pente, python2.3, rox, samba, scite, toppler, tuxtype, wavemon, whitebox, xbill, xbubble.tar.gz, xephem, xgalaga, xine, xmahjong, xmame, xpat2, xpuyopuyo, ymess. Not sure on: wv, php, dsl-dpkg, circuslinux, gnu-utils as there was nothing in the GUI to let me know if they worked or not, but I did load them. I had all of the above on this machine at the same time. That shows you what a lot of ram in a PC is capable of. Where my testing may suck is in the fact that I was looking at output or accessibility from the GUI interface. Either a desktop icon or be able to launch from the right click MyDSL menu. Also noticed that the wheel on my MS optical USB wheel mouse didn't work for scrolling. If for some reason any of the .dsl files will not work when others are loaded let me know and I can retest. I did this pretty fast. With the games I mainly checked that I could open them up and start a game. Wavemon installed and then output to the screen that I should run from the cmd line, my wireless card is at home in the laptop. T-bird showed up on the mydsl menu, but wouldn't start up. Same thing with gimp. I never got an out of memory message, maybe that was the problem with gimp as it was one of the last tested. Posted by ke4nt1 on July 30 2004,19:06
The only file I'm aware of having some issues is the t-bird.dslIt seems to want to find some directories in /home/damnsmall ( like /.mozilla-thunderbird ), but it must create these for you in the second part of the install, when you install from .deb, and not .dsl. First, try to install all the extensions from the main area only. These are pretty well tested, and I've gotten good feedback on most all of them.. The files in the testing area are truly "at your own risk", and even 1 bad extension can cause problems with your icons and mydsl from menus launching properly.. I'm still making progress with the "testing" area, but here lately, with the testing and release of 0.7.3, and so many extensions being donated by contributors, they're stacking up, and the working releases get first dibs over the ones that require more TLC to make ready. As far as your non-working list goes, here is what I know to date. Abiword - good - been working for months now. barrage - in testing - new bittorrent - x-shell setup - cli gcompris - in testing - giftui - good gimp1_2 - good mathwar - good nessus - good nmap - good t-bird - in testing - known issues penguin-command - in testing - new tuxpaint - good xchat - testing xpen - good - So Funny !! xvc - good Again, it only takes ONE extension with issues to make your menus and icons only PARTIALLY responsive.. Best to try to add them one-by-one, until you see your collection of icons begin to falter, or programs fail to execute. Make a note, and don't install that one again. Sometimes, no matter WHAT one you install next, they ALL fail, that means the previous one you installed was the culprit, even though IT is working.. The ones in the main area have been checked for proper owners/ permissions and file structure of the icon and menu files. The "testing" area is a work-in-progress as far as structure and permissions/owners go. Your feedback on the ones in the "Main" area would be helpful. Your feedback on the ones in "testing " would be valuable to me. Mixing the 2 areas is a recipe for trouble.. Best to test them "one-at-a-time" , and see how they interact with the stock enhanced desktop and menus. I'm noticing that most of your "working" list is from the main area. And "yes" , many of the extensions do not have either icons or menus options. They are command line utilities only. Did the themes work for you? Thanks for the feedback... And the ultraiso program is nice for building custom .iso's as well. 73 ke4nt Posted by ripcrd6 on July 30 2004,19:54
I didn't try any of the themes. I've tried them with 0.7.0 or 0.7.1, but I generally like the default black theme. I keep going back to it. I'm not much of a theme junky. My testing was by no means scientific, that's why I noted how I tested. Some of those cmd line apps I've never used or not used in a while, so I didn't know if they had a frontend w/ them. I was doing a quick and dirty test while here with a beefy machine. I could possibly test OO.o here, but it wouldn't work on my home machine without freezing everything up, so I didn't include it in my ISO. I'll try a more comprehensive test this weekend or tonight and post back. I probably should try to build w/ all DSLs on the ISO. I can't test the online repository at work or I might get smacked. I like having the ones I know I'll use on the CD to save time when using. For the bad ones on the CD, I can download from the net or reburn the ISO.I just thought that some quick testing would help a bit. And I wanted to be the first one. I use WinISO because I'm used to its quirks by now and I can rebuild an ISO fast. Posted by ke4nt1 on July 30 2004,20:00
I'd really like results from a test using all the main area dsl files on a disc. I did this myself last night, and had no troubles. Of course, this is the machine that re-assembled them, so even if they were BAD, they might still run good here. ![]() Here are some of the apps listed in action from a fresh 0.7.3 LiveCD bootup. Thanks again.. ke4nt Posted by mpie on July 31 2004,21:11
yes ke41nt when t-bird was packaged there is apause and a prompt to pass font management to deforma before the install finalises , i realise now the error put it down to newbie enthusiasm , am working on rectifying but does not seam to be a way around it with deb files may have to build and re-package from source this however is a bit trickier and may take awhile. when i tested t-bird it worked as all deps where present on my system , when tested wih live cd i think it may have mounted my drive to pick up files , since upgrade it will not work for me either when i get with apt there are 70mb of files that download.on the upside all others work no issues on a hd install on my old turtle- congrats on your hard work Posted by ke4nt1 on July 31 2004,21:54
No biggie...All of mine have had to be rebuilt several times now.. ![]() I thought cbagger was commenting that his script would not work for 2 stage / mulitplexed .deb builds.. Several users have commented on wanting this app for their DSL. Are you going to continue to work with this copy of t-bird.dsl? If so, I will put this one aside in my storage area.. 73 ke4nt Posted by mpie on Aug. 01 2004,15:50
to be honest i think i am more likely to get the 0.7.2 source from mozilla.org and build from gcc to make an install then zip that instead, except unsure how too zip it to a dsl it's a sharp learning curve
Posted by ke4nt1 on Aug. 01 2004,16:12
Indeed, it is....You should be able to start a log, and then go back to it and see what files the "make install" placed in your file system. That would be a good start to seeing what files need to make it into your .dsl. The challenge wil be to get it copied over to a .dsl BEFORE you run it, so the install is there for all to use and setup. Kinda like the "gimp" package, where you get asked a bunch o' stuff before it runs... I'll set this .dsl aside for now... Let me know how it goes.. 73 ke4nt Posted by ripcrd6 on Aug. 02 2004,18:19
Didn't get to this over the weekend so I retested this morning on the same machine as before, 2.4GHz 1GB ram Gateway. OK, revised testing methodology. I retested any previously reported non-working DSL files after a reboot. So I have more working DSLs to report. I will just make a list of the ones I tested and results and any notes I made.Working: Abiword, Ace of Penguins, ayttm, BitchX (cmd line), bittorrent (cmd line), circuslinux, doom, dsl-dpkg (far as I could tell), dsl-xjig, gcombust, gcompris (it did freeze after 3 wrong answers and had to be killed), giftui, gimp1_2, gnu-utils (I updated on 7/30 and checked in /bin to find std gnu tools there), gps, gtkam, gv, icewm-blue, icewm (after exiting and startx ice), kjvbible, lgames, linpsk, mathwar, mplayer, nessus, nmap, Open Office, Penguin Command, ptbr (this one I know worked because it changed my keymap), rox filer, samba, scite, tcltk8.3, toppler, tuxpaint, tuxtype, twlog, whitebox, xastir, xbill, xephem, xgalaga, xgammon, xine, xmame, xmule, xpat2, xpen, xpuyopuyo, ymess, blue theme (I would change the name of the pkg to match what it puts in themes menu, AlmostX or rename the theme something else), copperwine-theme (very cool), perfect blue theme, dsl-aterm, firefox (in tar.gz format), j2re1.4.2, oouser (couldn't really tell what it does, by itself it adds non-working icons to desktop, without it, OO.0 still runs), pente, python2.3, winspace-theme, xbubble, xmahjongg. Possibly working: barrage (exits after launch, from CLI I get an error about no avail sound device. I did see my sound device listed on boot, i810 audio), freebirth (same problem as barrage, icon launchs it and it exits, from CLI I get audio error), nessusd (stuff is placed in /usr/bin, but when I try to start it I get message about /home/dsl/.tmp being required. I was unable to create a file or directory by this name. I may be doing something wrong. I tried to use touch to create a .tmp file), quake2 (I get the menu item and icon, but nothing happens, do I need Quake2 files on my PC or on the CD? I have Q2 around my house somewhere.), ruby (it installs in /usr/bin, but I have no way to test.), sox-12.17.3 (I tried this from menu and CLI. From CLI I get a very vague useage line, I have no idea what this module does or how to use it.), vba (seems OK from CLI, but I have no files to run it with), wavemon (seems OK, but I still did not get to test in my laptop w/ wifi card), wv (seems to install fine in /usr/bin, but I didn't convert any files with it), oouser (see above), php ( I don't have anyway to see if it works, is this for a webserver add-on? I'm assuming that it adds the PHP libs for building webpages and serving) Definitely not working: amsn (loads in menu and icon, but doesn't launch. At one point the CPU went to and stayed at 100% because of this module.), t-bird, x-chat, xscreensaver (creates menu item, but doesn't launch. From CLI it gives: error loading shared libs, libXrandr.so.2 can't open), ff (this is the compressed image, ff.ci. It puts an icon down, but it won't launch. I don't see the advantage of doing this over the .tar.gz file which does work.), xvc (have no idea about this module, it does nothing), ion2 (I thought this was another window manager, but I was unable to start it like I could iceWM.) Other problems: icewm (after you switch to this wm, you no longer have the mydsl menu item) If you want more info let me know. I have other stuff to report in the 0.7.3 plain section, this is just about the DSL modules. Overall, I was surprised at how many worked. I actually tested stuff I have no plans on using, I just wanted to help out on a beefy machine. If t-bird and xchat and possibly Quake2 get working, then I'd be very happy. I still need to test this on my laptop. I am going to blow away Knoppix 3.4 for DSL 0.7.3. Sorry if this is too long or short, but it is the only way. Posted by ke4nt1 on Aug. 02 2004,19:48
What? Are you kidding ? This is the good stuff !! Feedback like this is EXACTLY what I'm lookin' for ![]() Your results matched mine very closely... Good Work ! Here are what I see different, or that require further explanation, in the order you have posted them in your texts.. bittorrent ( has an X window setup when first run ) dsl-dpkg ( If apt-get works, if /etc/apt exists, your good-2-go ) gcompris ( some of the games do fine, like matching, others die ) oouser ( the user icons and files for the OOo.ci cloop version ) ( If you saw icons and menu options, it's fine ) ...Do you have the wmix app in the lower right corner of your desktop, right below the mount utility ? .. ... Detecting your s-card at bootup isn't the same thing as actually having it working..Does XMMS work for you on this box ? ... Barrage ( requires sound ) Freebirth ( again, requires sound , it's a sound synthesizer ) Nessusd ( Hmmm.. I'll look again, good feedback so far ) Quake2 ( requires at least the "pak0.pak" game file from either the shareware or retail version to play , place it in your baseq2 directory - the game files are not GPL'ed ) Ruby ( Programming app - who knows ) sox ( again, sound effects app for cli - requires sound) vba ( like quake2, it requires non-GPL'ed "ROMS" to play ) php ( Yes, an addition to the web server ) amsn ( It's still a first version contrib, and only recently rebuilt ) t-bird ( known issues ) x-chat ( Missing libs error, I think.. ) xscreensaver ( known issues - mine always says the same error about XRandr libs as yours did.. ) ff.tar.gz ( user files and icons for the firefox.ci cloop version ) ( If you saw icons and a menu listing, it's fine ) xvc.tar.gz ( very specific instructions for its use in xvc.info ) ion2 ( first version - still requiring a rebuild - may not be cross-compatible with "dsl" vs "damnsmall" username ) All in all , I say you did a very FINE job separating the "wheat" from the "chaff" .... Now, after I check all these apps for proper file ownerships, permissions, file structures, proper tar structure, etc, then I try to determine what happens when these apps are run in "Combos" (especially the red level apps, because they OVERWRITE things) I stay away from the ones with known issues, but give it a go at installing 3 or 4 of these apps in the same desktop. Preferably only 1 red level app in the group. I'm looking for libs that some programs want to update, or don't realize that they are already in the DSL base distro. Packages built from .debs or "apt-get" want to stay in "good debian form" for package management reasons. But the DSL distro breaks away from true "Debian" form, by adding apps that aren't "deb'd" or "Apt-got" thru traditional means.. Therefore a new .dsl file may want to install a lib, thinking it SHOULDN'T already exist, but it does. And it does for a reason, and overwriting it may break the original app that placed the first version of the lib in DSL. And if that's crazy, you should see how new apps work when I "downgrade" their libs so that they DON'T overwrite"... ( actually, most apps do just fine like this..keyword - MOST ) Oh yeah, I figured out why my laptop would not run mplayer. Trying it in a shell gave me the error message ......~ for cpu with mmx / sse extensions ..... Not on my poor little compaq laptop.. never had , never will 73 ke4nt Posted by ripcrd6 on Aug. 03 2004,17:27
Yeah, I got it, it works.
Like I said, I'll check on the laptop and a desktop at home with a real sound card.
run it from the command line and you will see the error. I think I had to switch to the /usr/bin directory before it would run too. I don't know if that matters or if you want to add it to the path.
I have to find my disks, somewhere in my stuff after my move. I'll see if I can download the shareware version today as I was going to rebuild the disk again, since you released some new .dsl files on 7/31. At least I can sort by date on the site which is extremely useful to my way of building. I may grab a few more .dsl files too, since I have more room.
I found a disk w/ some roms on it and it played OK. I have no idea what controls to use, but it did load the rom. They may want to keep up w/ or track new versions of the emulator as they are always improving.
I see there is a new version of x-chat up, I'll grab it.
I did get one error about a GTK lib problem. I didn't write it down though.
I still don't know if I'm using the .ci files correctly. I doubt it. On the next rebuild I do, I'll leave the .ci files out as they are no use to me, unless that is the only way an app is packaged.
The way I read the .info, I will have to unzip and remove and then place on my rebuild ISO. I will put the source files in another sub directory or something to stay legal. I may distribute the ISO at my LUG meeting on Wed.
Thanks. Just glad to help. I helped out on the Morphix board for about six months.
Sorry about your laptop. Maybe it's time for an upgrade? Let me know if there is any specific combo of add-ons you want me to test or anything else. email me: ripcrd.at.gmail.dot.com Posted by ke4nt1 on Aug. 03 2004,18:08
Many thanks for the great feedback...To sum up a few of your last points...
It's designed to be added to your desktop for the OOo.ci after you install it. As of 0.7.3 the compressed .iso files can be mounted/unmounted with the mydsl button in emelfm, rather than having to be in your root "/" at boottime, which was the case in 0.7.2 and prior. They REALLY save bigtime ramspace!
I think the 5 key "loads coins" and the 1 key "Starts Game" etc... cursor and space/enter for the rest..
Again, like the OOo.ci, the ff.tar.gz is to be installed AFTER you load the firefox.ci compressed iso for the firefox app.. Another BIG ram saver.. And I get to do this all over again with the upcoming DSL 0.8 So far, in beta testing , there are no issues... ![]() 73 ke4nt Posted by dukkieduk on Aug. 03 2004,19:17
A possible reason why some things are reacting diferent from 0.7.2 to 0.7.3 is the change of username. I check vnc4x.dsl, and made it runing for both versions. BTW ke4nt1, did you received the vnc4x.dsl package ? I didn't saw it in the testing area, or in the repository.( or am i to fast ... ;-) )I 'm just upgrading my 3 pc's to 0.7.3, which are all hdd installed. I will test also some packages, and i let you know how they react. regards dukkieduk Posted by ke4nt1 on Aug. 03 2004,19:32
The username/symlink was changed in both 0.7.2 and 0.7.3...dukkieduk, Yes, recieved and thanks.. I'm getting caught up. , but certainly behind in my work...Busy weekend.. I also recieved your readme to add in the .dsl .. Did I get your md5sum and .info file on this extension..? Frequently I delay posting up new extensions untill I get these files with it... I can't chase down authors/sources for the 80-90 extensions we have now..sri .. Sometimes a note like yours is all I need to " add this to my list of todo's..." 73 ke4nt Posted by dukkieduk on Aug. 04 2004,06:52
I now it's going toooooo fast for me also, I think that there should only 1 major release every 2 months or so. otherwise...will you know the feeling...Btw , i forgot indeed the 2 files, i will send them 2 you asap. thanks for reminding me. I'm porting also a backup solution for dsl, so it can backup 2 servers over the network on a tapedevice... i let you know how it runs out because my 2 scsi cards are not recognized by dsl...... ( exotiq cards... tekram & adaptec slimscsi 1460B). Regards Dukkieduk Posted by ke4nt1 on Aug. 04 2004,06:55
Send them to extensions[at]damnsmalllinux[dot]org..Thanks, 73 ke4nt Posted by ripcrd6 on Aug. 04 2004,19:12
Where did you say to get the Quake2 pak0.pak files? I still haven't dug down to my copy and I'd really like to try this. I found the Quake2 demo at fileplanet, but I don't know that it will have the right files and it is an .exe.amsn still didn't work and then I read that you must have tcltk8.3 installed, so I will try again after remaster. f2c - installs, but just freezes if you run from CLI. I just read that you have to run rm.list from home directory. I'll try that, but I still don't have anything to convert. latex - gives error that it cannot find format file - latex.fmt You may need to add that. I tried to run latex2png and I got "command not found." latex2rtf - installs ok, again nothing to convert. new lgames - works sweep - works, but I still have no sound. Looks cool though. wv - installs ok and returns proper messages when I run it with out telling it what files to act on. I have nothing to convert. New version of x-chat didn't work, BUT I just read the note about needing libGTK-x11-2.0. How the hell do I get that while running from liveCD? xmgr - doesn't do anything or seem to work. xskat works, but man is it a weird game. I'm not really interested, but I wanted to test for you. xvc - I forgot to unpack it prior to making the CD, so it didn't work. Got that fixed and I'm about to burn again. I would rename this .dsl to xview for consistancy with what the program is actually called. If you run the .dsl from the menu, is it supposed to install or do I have to manually go and unpack it, etc. For my remaster I have unpacked it and moved the source to a separate directory in the hopes it will run now. We'll see. The new ymess, yahoo messenger works. As I said before, I'm not online w/ damnsmall becasue I'm at work, but it seemed to work OK. znes - worked. It's slow, but it worked. Then I realized I forgot to copy the .nes files to the CD so I'm doing that now. I ran xscreensaver again to see if I could find that gtk error. I figured out how I got it. I went into /usr/bin and ran xscreensaver-demo and got the error about libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0. I'd move that baby out of stable extensions area. Ready to burn. ![]() Posted by ke4nt1 on Aug. 04 2004,19:47
In reply...The f2c, xvc, latex, latex2rtf, xmgr and wv are contribs donated by nucpc... They are quite unique and very specialized for their use. At this time, I'm leaving them in the repository... Not having ever used the tools, I'm not to savvy as to their proper use, or their possible detriment to the base DSL system... They are rebuilt properly, and most have no icons or menus... The quake2 files can either be pulled from a Quake II CD, or the shareware exec. you downloaded... I busted mine open here at work on a m$ machine, and took the .pak file out of it.. It works fine.. You'll need SOUND ! I'd send it to you, but it's about 40 megs... It's not GPL'ed, so I can't post it up here... Sweep works Great ! , A nice addition... You'll need SOUND ! < being a sound engineer , I'm not BIASED, am I ![]() I'm looking into getting the libGTK files for both xscreensaver and xchat ? ( is that right ? ) Perhaps tonite I can work on those two... Ditto on the lgames, ymess, zsnes, xskat, ... Freeciv is now in the testing area... Both server and client were working for me... 73 ke4nt Posted by ripcrd6 on Aug. 05 2004,14:46
Here goes:I tested on my laptop last night and had some successes. Since sound was working, barrage - works Is it possible to make a menu item for launching it? This would make it more usable for kids and friends you give DSL to. Sweep - works It is very cool. I played a sound file and a section of a sound file. freebirth - works I couldn't figure out how to use it, but a guy in my LUG recognized what some of the controls do. You might want to have your DSL add a bookmark URL to docs for this if possible or put that link in the .info file. Looks like a complicated program. Quake 2 - I didn't get my pak0.pak file in time to make it into the ISO last night, but I've got it now and will rebuild w/ it today. sox-12.17.3 - In the ISO, but I forgot to test it when a guy was chewing my ear off at my LUG meeting about SAMBA. xscreensaver is still hosed, but you knew that. I would put it in the testing area until fixed. t-bird - I saw the postings before I left about it's broken-ness so I pulled it out. Maybe Balsa or some other mail client could be DSLed. I'll look for some other possiblities today if I have time. There are tons of mail clients and at least a few of them are good and simple. I would actually like to see Sylpheed pulled out of Damnsmall and a .dsl made of it. but that is just me talking and wishing it were even more modular. John wouldn't want it out. amsn - I got the new version to work. It comes up to the licensing, and then the login screen and everything. Alas, I was again not on a network as I forgot my long Cat5 cable and my wireless card was not working. I need to install DSL to a HDD so that I can compile the source for my SMC wireless card. That or Damnsmall needs to have an exact kernel match with a 2.4.x kernel in a version of Knoppix that I can get, like a current one. My tiny little rant. I had the same problem w/ Morphix months ago and had to install to HDD to fix. freeciv - danger, danger, danger Will Robinson! I installed this and then ran form the menu item and boom, the magic smoke came out. Well, not that bad, but the fluxbox menu got completely hosed. All that was left was restart, exit and xterm. Only xterm worked. Big bad scary monsters here. If it is only to be run from the CLI, then let us know and remove the menu item. x-chat - still broke, but I thought I'd test on another machine. I loaded some .nes roms on the ISO this time, but for got to test them. I tested the 1943 rom that comes w/ xmame and played a quicky game to show the guys in the LUG. vba (visual boy) and zsnes both work too. I like xmame better though. xvc - I did unpack it prior to building the ISO so that it should work, but I forgot to test it. Too many people talking to me at once. Still need to test ion2. I grabbed edna.dsl and ran it, but I didn't have a network connection and couldn't remember exactly how to start it. I'll try it next time, just to see if I can get it running etc. I added a few .pdf, .doc, .mp3, .mpeg files to my ISO. I did this before to test the players and the docs are to test the converters. We'll see if I can make stuff work. I got a hard system lock after trying to use Rox. The laptop has 128MB ram, but I may have had too much stuff loaded at that point. I had to power down the system to fix.
Remember that xscreensaver also has a libXrandr problem. What did you think of my thoughts on renaming a few pkgs? Basically rename them to what they are called after they are installed to save confusion. (e.g. blue-theme rename to almostX or fix the menu item. There is a "blue" theme in Damnsmall already.) Posted by mpie on Aug. 05 2004,16:04
Yeah if i remember correct I compiled xscreensaver after thunderbird, so therefore xrendr would have been present on the system so apt wouldn't have pulled it to add, sorry. I tested all mt .dsl's on my hd install a fresh hd install on another partition and they worked before i submitted them but they have not worked for me either since 0.7.3, only one left that does gtkam, but i have others in progress ![]() Posted by nucpc on Aug. 05 2004,16:05
Hi ripcrd6, Some of the packages you were asking about are indeed rather strange and, with the exception of latex, designed to be very light and were primarily for live use (and probably by old Solaris users only). Most, f2c defnitely excepted, should go down to HD without problem but I'd try and use them live/frugal primarily. For your questions; Latex, rather clumbsily needs a script ran, but it comes with examples; if your latex works you'll have plenty of test cases for gv; xmgr and xv are for commandline use (although xv could probably do with being iconized). f2c might be best avoided. Some folk use DSL to resurrect old hardware. I use f2c to resurrect old software; I've stacks of old scientific programs that would be hell on earth to rewrite and ensure they gave the right final numbers all of the time (that takes years of use and careful debugging). f2c often zips through these programs no trouble at all. However many of these will not be of general/any interest and I've no objections, whatsoever, to anything of mine being removed from repository. All the best. Posted by ripcrd6 on Aug. 05 2004,16:12
Well, I didn't mind testing them. I just wanted to help in a way I could. I can't program my way out of a paper bag so I frequently test, write or edit docs, answer user questions and teach them how to RTFM and google. I build .msi files in my day job, so the .dsl files are up my alley. Soon I'd like to try to build a few if you guys don't beat me to the stuff I'm interested in first. ![]() ![]() I probably don't have much reason to use those, so I'll remove from my ISO, but there shouldn't be a problem w/ them being in the repository. Posted by ke4nt1 on Aug. 05 2004,16:23
Hi nucpcI haven't seen you around here much recently... Glad to see your back... The xpen.dsl was fantastic !! and thanks for all your contribs... If you see any challenges with some of my rebuilds, let me know. I wasn't fully aware of how to use many of them, so I didn't run a lot of tests or checks. 73 de Kent ke4nt Posted by nucpc on Aug. 05 2004,17:08
Hi Ke4nt,Yep, the old day time job has been particularly annoying recently....not long 'till Christmas though. I've quickly zipped through all the rebuilds and everything looks good (or rather run as well as ever they did - which for latex2rtf isn't saying much....). Meant to remind ripcrd6 that `wv' is actually commands like `wvHtml' earlier though... As for xpens, well I still release a batch a day...... All the best, nucpc Posted by dukkieduk on Aug. 06 2004,21:30
Hi Quak2 fans,i burned an iso with dsl 0.7.2 and the full quak2 package ( i bought the original game a few years ago.. ), and it works great, even over network, sound etc,..all up and running. If you want i will test it also with 0.7.3. but it should frag never before also on this release ![]() Btw ke4nt1, I send you the missing files for vnc4x.dsl ... sorry, i didn't had the time.. regards Dukkieduk Posted by ke4nt1 on Aug. 06 2004,22:41
Yep, got em'Thanks, dukkieduk... Looking forward to checking it out.. 73 ke4nt |