Language Packs mydsl extensionsForum: myDSL Extensions (deprecated) Topic: Language Packs mydsl extensions started by: henrique Posted by henrique on June 05 2004,13:09
There is an easy way to boot with your country locales and keyboard (console and X)Take a look at this brazilian portuguese pack to see how to do it ;-) < > In future John would make available in a separate download all the locales deleted, so we can see fluxbox, xmms etc in our own languages and include it at the language pack also Posted by stalakosa on June 08 2004,06:40
GREAT!!!It would be absolutely amazing to have, in the near future, a language customized dsl. Catalan for me, please!!! Pity is, I'm a totally newbie... I have no idea whatsoever about linux, so, if anyone is reading this and can compile a catalan extension, it would be most welcome... Great Idea, Henrique! Posted by darkspider on June 11 2004,11:36
Could you please explain a rough idea or a small tutorial how to do this extension?i've already took a look at your file but i still have no idea. Which file I should modify? Posted by henrique on June 11 2004,12:20
(sorry for my broken english) Files that need be modified: I will be give as an example the specs for brazilian portugues but each country has it's own ones. Some languages are already right and can be choosed with the cheatcode lang= but the great majority not 1- /etc/X11/Xf86Config Section "Keyboard" Protocol "Standard" XkbRules "xfree86" XkbModel "pc104" XkbLayout "abnt2" 2- This only works when I add the folder /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale/iso8859-1 3- /usr/X11R6/bin/startx here I added at the begining export LANG=pt_BR export LANGUAGE=pt_BR export LC_ALL=pt_BR export LC_MESSAGES=pt_BR export GTK_IM_MODULE=pt_BR loadkeys br-abnt2 4-In /usr/X11R6/lib/locale I added pt_BR (I dont remember where I found it , perhaps at the original deb of xlibs-data) possibly not necessary) 5- Optionally if you want fluxbox ,xmms etc in your language you must to search for the original debs and look for the locales of your language in /usr/share/locale Posted by Muczy on June 19 2004,16:21
Hi everybody!I'm tryin' to make the hungarian, and also a Conexant modem driver, from the linuxant beta drivers. Any help & support is welcome! Gyerekek, megpróbálom, aztán majd szólok, ha kész, na üdv mindenkinet! (This was in Hungarian. ![]() I'll write again, when I'm ready! My email: Bye-Bye! Posted by Muczy on June 20 2004,06:49
Well, I'm working on the language.The modem driver is hard, i'll ask the author, how to compile kernel modules. But!! I've managed to make an updated midnight commander .dsl, which is full featured! Bye! |