Request a .dsl hereForum: myDSL Extensions (deprecated) Topic: Request a .dsl here started by: chuck54 Posted by chuck54 on July 07 2004,17:07
/EDIT/ Here are some requests. Its hard to compare against the repository right now, because im on a locked up windows machine in a library. I hope i haven't listed anything thats already been done.X-Cdroast - adraker Opera - Hacao Firefox - donno45989 Done. Not Current. Thunderbird - donno45989 Done. Not Current. freeciv - envel wine - Tomo gnumeric - kh1d gAIM - < > -chuck54 Done. (thanks ke4nt) There is 1.1.0 now if anyones up to it. Tuxpaint - clivesay gcompris - clivesay FrozenBubble - clivesay, there is a clone if your desparate: < here > SIM messenger - clivesay Windowmaker - Nathaneillban Etherape - chuck54 J-Pilot - < > - Woverin ettercap - < > - Woverin P0f v2 - < > - Woverin Synaptic - subarus Snort + mysql - Woverin iptables - Woverin < Kismet > - chuck54 < GUI for samba > - Libretto < gFTP > - Libretto < lm_sensors > - Libretto < GUI for lm_sensors > -Libretto How about xsensors for this? < look here > Completed requests : < myDSL Repository > Posted by libretto on July 07 2004,19:16
I would like to request: lm_sensors & GUI, gFTP or equivalent SSH ftp client, SAMBA gui (eg SWAT)
Posted by ke4nt1 on July 07 2004,19:43
I think chuck54 and libretto have found the best way to suggestnew extension ideas and requests... post a new topic A list would need to be maintained when entries are added or completed. As fast as DSL is changing and growing, the entries would soon become stale, old news, without constant maintenance = WORK The forums provide an opportunity for others to give feedback about 1. How popular an extension request is 2. If better extensions already exist 3. Are currently in development by a contributor 4. When first developed, an arena for further testing and feedback. Remember, DSL is a TWO MAN team.. John & roberts It's up to the rest of us to contribute what we can to make it go. ....zoom zoom...... 73 ke4nt Posted by chuck54 on July 08 2004,06:27
Regarding the samba gui: There is Roberts < samba.dsl > Does this have a suitable GUI?
Posted by chuck54 on July 08 2004,07:54
I apologise John, the firefox script is gettin 9.1 already. Brilliant!
Posted by chuck54 on July 09 2004,09:05
Ive made a .dsl of wavemon. Its on my website for now, and i've sent it to ke4nt for the repository. < Wavemon myDSL > Remember to use wget to get the files. (There is still a html index file though!) Posted by woverin on July 09 2004,13:20
requestiptable + snort + mysql + IDS stuff. Posted by chuck54 on July 09 2004,15:47
I've never got to grips properly with snort before. It would be great if someone familiar with it could set something up though. I'm thinking it would need to be 'out of the box' functional, with pre-set rules and a log file accessable through the menu or something. But im not really much of a snort user, so im sure the experts know better. I know Phlak linux comes with some simple port management stuff, maybe we could borrow that from them? Im not sure if its IPtables based. Im not too hot on this security stuff. ![]() Posted by chuck54 on July 09 2004,15:51
I've noticed there are LOADS of PHP front ends for smbclient. Has anyone ever tried on of these? Do you think monkey + php could be coaxed into running one?< smbclient gui's > Posted by woverin on July 11 2004,07:38
J-Pilot - Desktop Organizer Software for the Palm Pilot< > ettercap network sniffer < > P0f v2 is a versatile passive OS fingerprinting tool. < > Posted by nathanielban on July 11 2004,15:53
i would love to have windowmaker as a .dsl but i cant seem to do it, could anyone help?
Posted by guest in need on July 18 2004,16:59
Hi there...Om on vacation and have very limited internet-access. What I really need would be SDL1.2.7 or maybe older for DSL. Anyone had success with it? Built a myDsl or can tell ne how to install it manually? Id be most grateful (in my own shy way). please post here or even better: mail me martin.wendt(at) Thanks a lot! BTW: there is NO bootable (serious) dist includuing SDL... ![]() Posted by chibiace on July 22 2004,11:36
ooo since i use these for my webserver it would be better then what is included in DSL.apache 1.3, mysql, php4, and is there a version of that DUC program which is for for linux? or could someone recommend a small livecd or normal(?) distro with these in....... i dont want to download 700mb....... or more..... Posted by ico2 on July 25 2004,11:53
i think wine would be a very good idea, i am having considerable trouble getting a version of that will work with dsl.
Posted by ico2 on July 25 2004,13:29
and a c++ compiler would be very useful (preferably one with an ide).and i agree about apache Posted by keepitUnreal on July 30 2004,04:07
XFCE4 (not all the components, just the GUI) would be a nice addition
Posted by Delboy on Aug. 03 2004,09:58
Can someone please do a .dsl forthe fluxbox 'FBDESK' plugin for icon creation. I don't think either Whitebox.dsl or Rox.dsl allow you to create icons. This would be great to simply make icons for my apt-get / symaptic installations which don't produce desktop icons.
Posted by ripcrd6 on Aug. 03 2004,16:47
I thought of something usefull. Maybe someone could package up some extra applets for monitoring the system for higher end machines. We already have the mixer and the mounting applet and the one that shows swap, cpu and ram. How about a weather applet, one for mail, and battery life for the laptop users. Plus anything else that would be useful and not a duplicate of the existing functioning applets.
Posted by Delboy on Aug. 03 2004,17:07
J-pilot looks great - gets my vote too. A .dsl version of an organiser like this would be much appreciated as, being small, it fits in with the DSL no-bloat philosophy and is exactly the sort or personal and work tracking programme I need on the old laptop. I might see if I can apt-get the debian package but it looks like you need other stuff first.
Posted by ripcrd6 on Aug. 03 2004,19:40
I thought of another useful thing. I currently remaster my ISO for DSL under WinXP using WinISO. I've looked and there is at least one Linux app that will do the same thing. kISO. If it or another app that will crack ISO format and allow its repack in a GUI, were packaged it would be awesome. I can never remember all the commands to use mkisofs and to unpack ISOs. That and I really like to be able to just drop files in and be done. WinISO also will make a bootable image with a few clicks from a floppy and convert a CD to an ISO image. I've had to use both of those features. If I can start making my own .dsl files, this is one of the first things I'm doing.Thanks guys, Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Aug. 05 2004,03:30
how about a .dsl with the kernel sources, etc for compiling drivers, apps etc. a development environment. DSL-dev or something like that.i have a feeling that this .dsl would be significantly bigger than DSL, but then again, so is OO.o. ^^;; -J.P. SaidinUnleashed Posted by Donno on Aug. 08 2004,08:30
I would Like to See Tux Racer Tux Karts Pingus Some GUI Program to Un Tar Posted by ke4nt1 on Aug. 08 2004,08:51
No-go on the Tux Racer, as it requires accelerated graphics driversto be playable, and they require the XFree86 or graphics systems. Neither of which are included in DSL, as they are larger in size than the DSL distro can support in a 50 meg disc.. 73 ke4nt Posted by clivesay on Aug. 08 2004,11:12
Rob has committed to creating an extension for Feather than I am sure would also work for DSL. Stay tuned........ Chris Posted by Joat_Mone on Aug. 08 2004,19:05
I would like to see the the XMMS plugin for WMA files. I have a ton of WMA files on my Winders machine and I cant play them through DamnSmall.
Posted by gui on Aug. 09 2004,16:55
I've made a tiny iptables.dsl I'll send you as soon as I return home ![]() It sholud be great If somebody can make Mozilla-thundebird I've tried but it does not work ![]() Posted by ico2 on Aug. 09 2004,19:34
the first dsl i tried to do was opera, i think i now know what i did wrong and i will give it another go. (not that opera is that great anyway).
Posted by DonttPanic on Aug. 09 2004,20:26
i havent checked it out, but i went to the xmms site, and they seem to have a plugin for wma, wmv, avi...etc < get the plugin here > edit: also, there's a program for winders called CDex which you can use to convert your wma's to mp3's Posted by mikshaw on Aug. 09 2004,20:48
ico2: You may want to check the licensing on Opera...I believe it's a commercial product which may mean you can't redistribute it.
Posted by cbagger01 on Aug. 10 2004,01:55
Wrong.Opera provides a freely distributable version that contains ad banners. If the user then decides to register and purchase the product the ad banners will dissappear. You can distribute it as long as you do not prevent the initial license acceptance screen from appearing. In other words, do not include a prebuilt $HOME/.opera folder inside the DSL package and you can distribute the program without a problem. Opera is already distributed with many linux distributions, either as part of the base installation, or as part of a distro-specific addon package. FYI, I am also looking into developing an Opera DSL package. I believe that I have solved the "missing fonts" problem that made Opera unusable after DSL version 0.6.0 and newer were released. Posted by mikshaw on Aug. 10 2004,02:22
sweet =o)
Posted by adraker on Aug. 11 2004,13:03
A vote for X-cdroast....If this don't git me Idiot of the Month nothin' will..... While this would be beyond my own abilities,I'd really like to see a dsl of X-cdroast, though it may be just too huge. I use it to build my dsl CDs in an odd way- I use cdrecord to burn a stock standard dsl iso to cdr. I copy the whole thing back to a working directory on my Linux distro. I shovel lots of other subdirectories (like /optional) and Skins and configs into this working directory. I use X-cdroast to master a new CD to my liking. X-cdroast can make the whole master iso track bootable. Burn it. Then delete the master track. You end up with a clean standard DSL CD which you can use for dsl package build, and one with all your extras on. Plus a structure on your hard drive that you can add new dsl packages to as they mature,or anything else for that matter. Then easily make a new CD with the latest tricks on it. You have not used any windows iso manipulating programs. You have not faffed around with multi-session. Although there are some very good ways I've seen on these forums to use cdrecord/multisession. It is just an almost completely graphical way to get the same result. Wastefull?- Perhaps! (one cd ? and 50-150 meg HD space) Moronic?- For sure! I just want to see if there are any other X-cdroast fans out there who could make a dsl package of it.... If it's even possible! I'd really like to be able to use XcdR under DSL. Adraker Posted by mikshaw on Aug. 11 2004,14:53
You could save a CD by mounting the ISO file instead of burning it:mount -o loop -t iso9660 </path/to/iso> </path/to/mountpoint> Posted by nucpc on Aug. 11 2004,15:29
Adraker, like milkshaw says there's a lot of ways around what you're trying to do(mkmydsl will go a long way) BUT I'm a fan of if you're a live/frugal/don't care user then.... ........what I've got is a `super-user only' version .dsl and you can find it at the link below. Ive tidied it up a little today but now I'm out of time. The dsl will create a directory /home/cdtemp for your images. There's no icon, no .info etc and no normal user access. So it's just 'sudo su' and 'xcdroast'.....1.9 M compressed. opening to 5M. < > All the best. Posted by ke4nt1 on Aug. 11 2004,16:20
nucpc... nice job!I usually run most any cdrecord app as root anyway.. some apps really scream without it... priorities... 73 ke4nt Posted by nucpc on Aug. 11 2004,16:21
Mikshaw, just realised I've now twice referred to you by the wrong name...a million apologies; I'm off to get my monitor/eyes/brain checked..... Sorry again, all the best. Posted by nucpc on Aug. 11 2004,16:27
Ke4nt, thanks. As soon as I get a chance I'll get it cleaned upand sent in....(I'll check again why super user only was the suggested install as well). Cheers. Posted by adraker on Aug. 11 2004,23:15
Wow,thats what I call service.!Good one mikshaw- I'd thought of it,but didn't know how to.Must try it.... Thank you nucpc for your hard work,I wasn't aware you'd done this.I've downloaded your package and I'll try it when I get off the forum. Xcdroast is the least ornery linux burning app I've used- to paraphrase Yosemite Sam. It seems to me that a few short years ago, linux burning apps were real dogs,but then I knew even less than I know now.You live and you learn...or you know...just live. Thanks,and regards to you all! Adraker Posted by adraker on Aug. 12 2004,06:50
Tried it,it's great,also tried xfig which I had neverused before,thats very impressive. Thanks again Adraker Posted by nucpc on Aug. 12 2004,11:36
Good to hear you like them, I should have got xcdroast up earlier - I had the filesto hand from manual remastering efforts in the `old days' - where `old days' in dsl land equals a couple of months ago..... Things sure do move fast round here... ![]() Posted by thenuke on Nov. 22 2004,02:40
"how about a .dsl with the kernel sources, etc for compiling drivers, apps etc. a development environment."Another vote for that! Posted by donno45989 on Nov. 26 2004,12:32
I would like to see Updated DSL for Firefox -- So it Version 1.0 not V0.9 or V1.0PR Mozilla Thunderbird -- So it Version 0.9 Posted by subarus on Nov. 26 2004,15:01
I truly don't know what else to request as I have everything I need. So I thought it's time for me to contribute. I created a file containing ipw2100 firmware and a simple startup script. To make this work you need to install dsl-dpkg.dsl 1st to make some system files writable. < ipw2100.tar.gz > I placed both files on my ntfs partition at c:\ Using live-cd, I use boot option: dsl mydsl=hda1 Possible problems you might face: my dev name is eth1, yours might be eth0 or wlan0 you might need to provide wireless encryption key by 'iwconfig eth1 key WEP' I use dsl becoz I hate cookies, history, spyware and junk like that tracking me when I am online. with dsl, I flush em down the toilet when I shutdown my live-cd dsl. Boot-up is 50seconds versus 120 on XP. I bootup, quick search google to get whatever I want, shutdown before the damn XP could bootup and ready for use. With my hardisk unmount and parked, I could use dsl off ram while on threadmill, move about without ever have to worry about hardisk crashing. truly mobile Posted by Lazyhound on Dec. 02 2004,01:06
I'll cast my vote(s) for Firefox 1.0 and Freeciv.
Posted by Hacao on Dec. 02 2004,06:18
Hi all !I would like Opera 7.54 (.dsl) ! (current 6.2: not best to show unicode !) Can you help me ! Thanks, Posted by drx456 on Dec. 08 2004,11:37
I need a vncserver.dsl
Posted by ke4nt1 on Dec. 08 2004,13:32
Have you tried the vnc4x_1_4_6.dsl in the "net" section of the repository?73 ke4nt Posted by ico2 on Dec. 08 2004,13:35
that dsl does not work for me (maybe i have an old version) the links in the menu seem dead.
Posted by regalbeak on Dec. 09 2004,01:01
I'm a green newbie who loves this dynamic os. Great job!My requests: 1. whenever you remove an app, offer it as mydsl 2. checkbook app (Puppy has xfinans) such as cbb 3. DOSemu or DOSbox Keep up the fabulous work When I learn a bit more I hope to become a contributor rather than just a beggar Posted by guest on Dec. 09 2004,13:49
How about minicom ? It will be useful for terminal console ...
Posted by ke4nt on Dec. 09 2004,15:53
The vnc4x works well as a vnc server for me.Being a "server" there is nothing to see.... 1. Click on the Vnc4x icon. This enables the program 2. Click on the Vnc4x0 icon. This enables your Display:0 3. Goto another computer on your network with a vnc client ( like Damn Small ! ) , and enter the ip address of the server. 4. Enjoy.. guest: .. DSL includes the terminal program microcom, which is very similar to minicom.. If you wish to use minicom, it is very easy to install --> " apt-get install minicom " It is only one file, so no need for a " dsl " extension. 73 ke4nt Posted by ico2 on Dec. 10 2004,13:53
must have been a dodgy download, menu options complain that files not exist :s
Posted by ico2 on Dec. 10 2004,13:54
as for minicom, what about people too lazy to install dsl-dpkg.dsl
Posted by softgun on Dec. 25 2004,08:31
What about the rox desktop?The Rox filer and a bit more are already available in the DSL repositories - I downloaded it and iit works beautifully. Rox is potentially one of the most user friendly desktops in Linux, and putting it on the ever popular DSL could give it the impetus it deserves IMHO. There is only one live CD with Rox as the desktop and it is Russian... I have no other requests as you have done evrything I need already except sever or Xfree86 to have in the options directory in case i want to see/show a full screen MPEG on Mplayer (the only use I need it for) I will try to make some DSLs myself soon. I am looking at this forum carefully and learning all the time. Gosh! What a forum!!! Posted by kluber on Jan. 04 2005,15:26
A request : ntpdate (work well with DSL, installing with "apt-get install ntpdate" but I need to keep them on local drive) Thanks, Michel. Posted by clivesay on Jan. 04 2005,15:46
Kluber -This would be an easy .dsl for you to create yourself. 1. Do a clean boot of DSL 2. Use the Firefox browser to search the forum for "deb2dsl" 3. Open Beaver Editor 4. Copy the deb2dsl script to Beaver 5. Save the file as deb2dsl 6. Mke the deb2dsl file executable with "chmod +x deb2dsl" 7. Enable apt and d/l the app you want to install 7. In a console (NOT as root) type ./deb2dsl 8. Follow the prompts and you will have your own .dsl file! 9. Save the file somewhere and reboot to a clean DSL environment. 10. Open emelfm and locate your .dsl file 11. Highlight the file and click on the mydsl-load button You should now have a working .dsl application!! Whenever you make a .dsl file, make sure you are in a clean boot of DSL. The script takes any .debs found in the apt archives and the /home/dsl directories to make the .dsl file. Good Luck Chris Posted by kluber on Jan. 04 2005,18:52
It works perfectly.My DSL workstation is now able to take time at boot time. Thanks a lot to Chris and everybody working on this usefull project, Michel. Posted by softgun on Jan. 24 2005,16:44
Hi Chris, When downloading deb files, must we use the -d option to download all the debs and not install initially? I want to try out a postgresql extension...... Thanks Posted by clivesay on Jan. 24 2005,17:04
softgun -you can do it that way if you like. I would install the app though just to make sure it works properly. So just do a regular apt-get install. After installation all the .debs are stored in /var/cache/apt/archives. The deb2dsl script knows to look there for the files to create the dsl file. Good Luck Chris Posted by Modrak on Jan. 24 2005,21:38
How 'bout kismet module progress?
Posted by subarus on Jan. 25 2005,00:14
can we have rsync?
Posted by AwPhuch on Jan. 25 2005,01:40
K3b pleaseGonna be a big one though!!! Brian AwPhuch Posted by clivesay on Jan. 25 2005,03:04
Brian -K3B is in testing as far as I know. It has been there for quite a while. I think ke4nt and his kids use it daily. Chris Posted by ke4nt1 on Jan. 25 2005,06:10
Sometime after xmas, after a rousing response and many good reports,I placed k3b.dsl in the multimedia section of the repository .. And yes, AwPhuch, it IS FAT !! My kids use it now more than XP or prassi.. Waiting for a newer version, this one doesn't like the dvd+rw-tools package. Hopefully, this will be resolved in the new version, so I don't have to keep using dvdrtools to burn my DSL DVD-R Bootable Masters.. 73 ke4nt Posted by gummimann on Jan. 25 2005,18:04
HeyI was wondering if there is or if it`s possible to publish, tcpdump or ethereal/tethereal, snort/mysql/acid and netcat on dsl? Thnx! Posted by AwPhuch on Jan. 25 2005,18:29
Man!!! Do you ever sleep? hehe...great job bud...too bad they dont have anything comparable to DVDShrink for Linux!!! Brian AwPhuch Posted by AwPhuch on Jan. 25 2005,18:31
Anti-Virus .dslPerhaps f-prot or clamav? Would be nice to be able to mount a busted M$ OS and scan for viruses Brian AwPhuch Posted by Delboy on Jan. 26 2005,21:06
I second thatTried apt-getting clamav from Debian testing packages but it didn't seem to configure properly with DSL. Posted by Modrak on Jan. 28 2005,13:22
kismet is here< > Posted by Tim on Feb. 05 2005,23:49
I'd love to see lirc w/ ATI remote wonder driver support (doesn't appear that debian unstable 0.7 version has it compiled)
Posted by Nebetsu on Feb. 06 2005,18:28
An NES emulator. The SNES one runs really bad on my computer... >>
Posted by Sic0 on Feb. 07 2005,02:55
Perl (Xmms::Remote) or Python (pyxmms) Remote & Xchat2 please ![]() ![]() Posted by tawalker on Feb. 07 2005,09:00
I use Gaim regularly on my main Linux PC at home, and wouldn't mind having it "to hand" on my DSL pen drive. Unfortunately, at around 20Mb, the Gaim .dsl is just a bit too "fat" for the drive, so I've been using amsn as a "stopgap".Over the weekend, I read in an old copy of Linux Format about < ayttm >, which is apparently a graphical multi-protocol IM client like Gaim, but uses GTK1 and is much "leaner" (i.e. smaller in size and system requirements). I haven't tried it out, but ayttm sounds like it would suit DSL - it got a very positive review in LF, and they thought it might suit older machines, which sounds like a good few of the "native" apps in DSL ![]() Has anyone tried ayttm, and if suitable, how easy would it be to make it into a .dsl extension? Thanks, Tim Posted by stoo on Feb. 07 2005,13:01
How about some additional wireless drivers as extensions? Ralink rt2400?
Posted by Delboy on Feb. 07 2005,13:51
Tim,There already is a 'tested' .dsl extension version of AYTTM2 in the repository: Mydsl/Net/ayttm2. Hope it works. Posted by tawalker on Feb. 09 2005,18:36
Hi delboy,No idea how I missed it ![]() Just what I needed - many thanks for the 'head-up'! Tim Posted by la_buchanan on Feb. 09 2005,19:36
DesktopsGnome desktop Xfce Desktop KDE Desktop Window Managers Enlightment FVWM FVWM95 Posted by clivesay on Feb. 09 2005,20:18
When you start requesting things like KDE and Gnome.dsl's I have to think that you are much better off to run the full Knoppix or something comparable like MEPIS. KDE (and I am guessing Gnome) would be WAY too big to be a .dsl file. You wouldn't be able to load it unless you had a large amount of ram. Especially if you are going to run a HD install. Just install and apt-get remove what you don't like. You may want to re-evaluate what you are looking for in a distro. I don't mean this in a negative context, I am really trying to help. I personaly like to spin up Mepis when I am trying to show Linux to a hardcore XP-type user. Chris Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Feb. 09 2005,20:26
I already answered about KDE, Gnome, and XFCE in your other thread, but I will continue here.E needs lots of graphic libs that DSL doesnt have, even with the Xfree86.dsl. for the others, try Icewm. it's similar to fvwm95. -J.P. Posted by softgun on Feb. 10 2005,07:12
postgresql.dslI have tried to make one with the deb2dsl script, but the one i made cannot start the postgresql postmaster. It does not work :-( Someone with more experience may succeed.... Posted by christosvas on Feb. 11 2005,09:41
parted.dsl is ok, but how about something friendlier like nparted, gparted or something lightweight like these?
Posted by camzmac on Feb. 19 2005,00:48
I think that this program should be added to the MyDSL repository: < > (hmmm... the page is in German)It's called "Linux MultiMedia Studio" and based off the screenshots, it is the music editing program I've been looking for, mostly because it supports MIDIs. And the GUI looks beautiful. So I hope this can be converted to a .dsl. Posted by Kumagoro on Feb. 21 2005,18:26
I would like to see Kismet Aircrack WEPlab Thank you. Posted by newOldUser on Feb. 22 2005,01:41
How about a dockapp that works with free Gmail (pop3 / ssl). Nothing fancy, just let me know I have mail then I can go over and use Sylpheed to read it.
Posted by DaveUSB on Feb. 25 2005,20:31
I'd like to request:partimage w3m that's it ![]() Posted by miked on Feb. 28 2005,02:29
i'd like to see kismet tuxnes (this came on older dsl releases) Posted by jaalto on Feb. 28 2005,22:49
A very small and efficient curses bases IRC client (Not in Debian, but compiles easily):< > Posted by jaalto on Feb. 28 2005,22:51
Please add editor that emulates Emacs/VI- joe - or very small assembler base e3 Posted by nuttyman on Feb. 28 2005,23:56
how about verlihub ( and dcgui/valknut ( thanks Posted by justa on Mar. 01 2005,01:06
softgun how did you go with the postgresql dsl?I've been trying to install postgresql via apt and everytime it starts up it creates a new virtual console and runs in it.. strike anyone as a bit odd? ![]() Posted by justa on Mar. 01 2005,02:37
duhh.. don't worry i didn't see the first '-' the postgresql init.d script uses when calling su ![]() it would seem that i have postgresql working. i can connect to it from another machine however I stupidly didn't check the version of postmaster that I selected in synaptic. I'll be delving into the deb2dsl stuff now to get anything above postgresql 7.2 i suppose. Posted by geo on Mar. 01 2005,07:43
gphoto2 would be nice. I triied, and couldn't get it to work even after installing pkgconfig, libgphoto, and jpeglib. Got "gphoto2: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"when trying to run it after make install. Posted by geo on Mar. 01 2005,07:51
gphoto2, got it working. Seems gphoto2 was looking for two libs in the /usr/lib/, but not in the usr/local/lib/ folder. I used two symbolic links to fix it. Now, how do I create a dsl for it?
Posted by aygun on Mar. 01 2005,08:36
can anyone make an ati drivers module for DSL ?something named ati_catalyst.dsl with respect , Aygun Posted by Stuart Leask on Mar. 02 2005,09:33
R v2.01(THE world-class open-source stats package) would be a seriously cool myDSL extension - you'd be able to pick as powerful a PC as you needed for a given analysis, let it rip, then walk away... [U]< R statistics project > Posted by softgun on Mar. 02 2005,14:38
mozilla firefox with svg support - or Mozilla dsl which has svg support!
Posted by gunnix on Mar. 09 2005,20:15
I'd like irssi. It's my fav irc client. It's very easy and fast to useAnd ofcourse it's a console app.grtz Posted by WoofyDugfock on Mar. 10 2005,09:37
Would really like to see a Gnobog.dsl or similarGnobog deb package is available via apt-get and installs & runs, works fine on Firefox bookmarks created within dsl, but I'm having trouble getting it to import dillo bookmarks and firefox bookmarks created within Windows (using dsl I thought I read somewhere that gnobog can process dillo bookmarks. Be very nice indeed to have a powerful bookmarks organising program and integrate and sort out all those bookmarks from dillo, firefox, and from windows. Posted by Curious1 on Mar. 14 2005,06:45
I would really like to see the Rox Desktop made into a dsl. Having freedom with desktop icons would be a breath of fresh air. ![]() Posted by lauder on Mar. 14 2005,10:58
not reallyit's been discussed many times and simply won't happen Posted by Curious1 on Mar. 15 2005,00:14
If you guys are serious about expanding your community and promoting your product (especially with charitable puroposes) then I think you should make user friendliness a higher priority. ![]() Posted by clivesay on Mar. 15 2005,03:03
Hmmm let's see. You can load over one hundred applications on demand by either: Interactive GUI Emelfm button CLI You can create your own version of DSL by: Knoppix remaster Multisession CD with .dsl files USB stick with .dsl files CF card with .dsl files mymydsl script (complete with boot options) You can run DSL from: CD USB CF card Embedded in: Linux Windows DSL has a complete documentation project and a Search button of over 5000 topics. DSL has a very helpful community who not only provides extensive forum support but also a dedicated IRC channel. Nearly every extension in the repository has been submitted by a member of the community, NOT a DSL developer. This is all accomplished with a base of 50mb. Did I mention that it can run on anything from a 486DX2 with 16mb ram to modern systems? So, your desire for the Rox Desktop negates all of this and makes DSL a non user-friendly distro? Interesting. Maybe you might consider what I did when I wanted my first .dsl. I read the forum posts and asked a couple of questions, created my .dsl and submitted to the community. That's an intriguing idea. Posted by green on Mar. 15 2005,06:34
that about sums it up......
Posted by mikshaw on Mar. 15 2005,18:24
That's an incorrect assumption. Anything can be made into an extension, with enough patience and experimenting. There is already a Rox extension...not sure if this is Rox Desktop or just the file manager. Posted by struppi on Mar. 15 2005,19:26
is there an extension of < this > small powerpoint clone? OOImpress is a bit too big for me...thank you Posted by clivesay on Mar. 15 2005,20:11
struppi -That's an interesting app. I have been looking for something like that for old machines. If I get some time this evening, I'll see if I can get it to run unless someone else beats me to it. ![]() Thanks for the link Chris Posted by melange8272 on Mar. 18 2005,19:46
I found this nice little streaming server which works in cygwin and I'm having some trouble converting it to dsl. It's a bit like edna (one of my favs!) but it will work with High Def Video files, VOB's, TS's etc.. I have a Linkplayer which plays all of these files from my pc, however I have a nice little EPIA that runs dsl that I'd like to use as my media server. Any info, help or premade .dsl ![]() Here's more info on the software & the player: WIZD - modded for Linkplayer :[URL= <]Flipflop's > Hacks[/URL] AVEL Linkplayer : < Linkplayer USA Site > Posted by Coma on Mar. 21 2005,15:37
struppi : Don't know if any1 sent in a impress.dsl yet so i made 1 upand sent it in" impress1.1_beta9.dsl " small works good "depends on tcltk8.3.dsl" to run have a great day all Coma Posted by clivesay on Mar. 21 2005,15:52
Coma -Thanks for doing that. I hadn't gotten around to putting one together. Chris Posted by struppi on Mar. 22 2005,18:19
but it isn't up yet, right? Posted by Coma on Mar. 23 2005,17:39
Hi struppi: as far as i know adding .dsl's to the repository is a monthly thing but i could b wrong. if ya really want it pop onto #damnsmalllinux, i can dcc it to ya ![]() have a great day Coma Posted by timmd on Mar. 23 2005,17:50
wrong post......sorry
Posted by struppi on Mar. 25 2005,18:34
i know there allready is a version of "cinePaint" in the repository, but dsl means light-software.< Glasgow > is a cinepaint version that uses no GTK but.... tadaa FLTK. i'm no professional, but i guess this could be MUCH lighter than the GTK-version. Posted by penguin asylum on Mar. 31 2005,13:40
Well, it's not out yet (I think...)I just went on a big wild goose chase trying to find it Posted by mikshaw on Mar. 31 2005,15:01
Same here.It looks like it's going to be a great project. Posted by albee on April 02 2005,03:57
Are there any plans to make a .dsl for a sniffer like Ethereal or something smaller like Ettercap?Scott H. Posted by penguin asylum on April 02 2005,16:05
there's already one in the repository. It's called something like AirSnort I think...
Posted by albee on April 02 2005,16:38
Thanks, I tried that, but it will not bind to eth0, only a WLAN card. Scott H. Posted by albee on April 03 2005,03:09
...even snoop or tcpdump would be cool.
Posted by penguin asylum on April 08 2005,11:30
snoop doesn't really need a .dsl extension...Unless I'm completely off, it's just one binary file, and then you need to have gtk installed... Posted by tawalker on April 08 2005,15:28
Sorry if this has been asked before, but I didn't find it in the forum: has anyone created a .dsl for rsync?I would find it very useful to have an rsync client on my DSL pen drive, especially for doing remote backups/restores with my home server over ssh. I didn't find an rsync .dsl in the repository, but it's entirely possible I overlooked it ![]() Thanks, Tim Posted by Andyb on April 08 2005,23:40
could i request putty?im wanting to do ssh port forwarding, but cant for the life of me get it working via ssh Andy Posted by SaidinUnleashed on April 09 2005,00:43
O_O you couldn't?ssh 123.456.789.123 -p <port> not that difficult. and putty sucks anyway. -J.P. Editus: typage sucksores Posted by andyb on April 09 2005,06:22
no, sorry you misunderstoodim wanting to use ssh to port forward through an ssh connection, im not connecting to an ssh server and executing commands. in putty i would have putty -D 8080 -P 80 -ssh obviously in your example you havent put anywhere to put port forward .. ive tried ssh -L .. etc none work it seems. Posted by arew264 on April 13 2005,01:51
I'd really like to see an easy to use email server.
Posted by dslrat on April 14 2005,15:11
My addition to wish list.Postfix -dslrat Posted by Sonica on April 16 2005,11:43
Hi, i'd really like to see this package < > in some extension? is there already?thanks sonica Posted by ivanh on April 17 2005,10:12
what about the,, files in a dsl package, so that i can get mplayerplugin to finally work :-p?
Posted by stoo on April 18 2005,09:45
Could anti-aliasing be added as an extension? If someone has an idea how to do it, any hint would be appreciated. Otherwise, consider this an "extension request".
Posted by jls legalize on April 20 2005,16:00
I would like muse.dsl or .uci:< > or any other music notation software with score Thank u in advance Posted by neon on April 22 2005,16:23
How about something like gotmail for downloading hotmail locally?
Posted by ivanh on April 24 2005,12:18
requesting the mediaplayer helix along with the mozilla plugin..thanks:) Posted by nuke on April 26 2005,08:03
i'd like to see this too Posted by maxmethex on April 27 2005,17:40
Would KDE be possible? Or GNOME?
Posted by dnob on May 01 2005,10:46
I was wondering whether including something like emacs il the myDSL package would be possible.thank Posted by brkl on May 01 2005,16:37
Here's a suggestion:xkeycaps Should be useful, small and simple to add. I'm having trouble trying to compile it. Some GUI ssh telnet type app could be nice too. Posted by struppi on May 02 2005,20:07
for all musicians: < >looks quite nice and has not too much dependancies... Posted by nbx909 on May 02 2005,23:32
Posted by Delboy on May 03 2005,21:15
Can someone please upgrade the OPERA extension to version '8'. It benefits from several security fixes. Debian versions are now available.
Posted by tawalker on May 09 2005,21:30
How about rsync? (surprised it's not part of DSL - how big is it?)
Posted by dmizzel on May 10 2005,21:10
avidemux. video editing programI have no idea how demanding on dsl this program would be or if dsl is capable of handling any type of video work (editing etc). I realize it's not for the slower computers that dsl caters to, however if something like this were possible, I know a lot of people who would suddenly be interested in dsl. And imagine the publicity dsl could get if a short film such as the wildly popular '405 the movie' was made in whole or in part with dsl?? Posted by PiXel on May 11 2005,16:30
How about Pygame! Plz? Posted by snipes on May 13 2005,10:54
QEMU would neat to have on DSL.
Posted by Prosthetic Head on May 18 2005,21:47
Would love to have Folding@home client as a MyDSL extension...would be very usefull for my headless folding machenes Posted by sszilveszter on May 19 2005,09:15
![]() Qemu.dsl would be a very good chance to run .iso within Damn Small Linux if anybody knows about a .dsl or how to compile it please help (I get to many errors during make command) Posted by kwjake on May 19 2005,18:00
Could I get a tuxnes.dsl? < homepage >If someone did this, they would have great appreciation ![]() Posted by MethodOne on June 08 2005,00:03
How about these games?-< Project: Starfighter > with music Edit:I changed my previous requests to the following: -Everything that doesn't require a lot of dependencies in the < Games section of the Debian oldstable packages > Posted by struppi on June 08 2005,08:51
yesterday a friend asked me : "this is linux?!? where are these big eyes that look after your mouse cursor?"so i need... xeyes! the most important prog ever. :-D Posted by SaidinUnleashed on June 08 2005,19:26
your friend fails at linux. Posted by struppi on June 08 2005,22:21
he loves his XP - machine. ![]() but he war impressed when i rescued his data (using dsl) last week. ![]() Posted by SuperLou on June 09 2005,00:34
Any kind of c++ developer enviroment would be great.
Posted by Guest on June 09 2005,04:16
Hey SuperLou, you might be interested in making one yourself. See this thread.< > Posted by spring on June 09 2005,04:29
Delboy wrote:
i've just created one V8.0 final built 1095, which could display Chinese if installing Chinese fonts in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1, it's not the best one ,because of including too many files are not necessary. forgive me for my poor english, which could help me to upload the extention of opera v8? thanx! Posted by SuperLou on June 14 2005,01:32
Could someone make a xwatv dsl so I can use my IBM PC Cam with the webcam server?
Posted by TJBK_TJB on June 15 2005,02:30
It would be nice if I had a MyDSL file of the latest gimp-print along with ones for all the dependencies and instructions. Thank you.
Posted by joedornan on June 15 2005,03:00
Hi folks,I am using dsl as the os on a digital picture frame cobbled together from parts of an old laptop. DSL is perfect for this kind of application!! Except for one thing... it doesn't come with a picture viewer with automated slideshow capabilities. xzgv is nice to manually view files, but not when you want to set it and leave it. it doesn't have very good slideshow functionality. however GQview does! and i so happens it uses the same gtk library as xzgv so i was wondering if you someone could make a dsl file out of it? It would be the cherry on top of my picture frame sunday! thanks! -Joe Posted by J-Attack on June 16 2005,19:32
what iz withHoneyd < > with dsl you can built very fast a hp i think thats kann be very usefull Posted by Whachucallme on June 18 2005,13:04
Here is my request:It would be realy GREAT if someone could make a < screen > .dsl! ![]() i've been trying to install it for a long time but there are so many commands that arent in DSL needed :s and i, as linux noobie, cant get it done :s Posted by mikshaw on June 18 2005,15:38
I've already made it (*tar.gz), but haven't submitted. The reason for this is the fact that tty1 is owned by root in a default DSL setup, and this prevents user dsl from using screen in tty1 without first changing that ownership. I had intended to find the simplest solution to this before submitting the extension, but after a few months i still haven't come up with a solution. It works without modification in an xterm, but as i said it will require tty ownership changed in order to work in console, unless you run it as root of course.Since i haven't come up with a better solution, i'm thinking i'll just send it as is. Posted by Joe on June 19 2005,16:51
Can someone make a fixed, updated version of the Gaim dsl file? The version 1.0.0 one works nice, except every window is shown as untitled. The version 1.2.1 under Gtk2 loads up without the aim, yahoo, msn protocol plugins, but it does title each window correctly. Version 1.3.1 is now out. It would be nice if someone could make a dsl extension from this, using all the protocol plugins (especially aim and yahoo). It doesn't matter to me whether its a version that needs GTK2 installed first, or if it installs it on its own. Posted by RoGuE_StreaK on June 19 2005,23:11
Hey joedornan, have you tried the gtksee extension? It's supposed to be essentially a clone of acdsee, with slideshow capabilities.
Posted by clivesay on June 19 2005,23:20
Joe -The Gaim extension does work. You just have to setup an account first before all the protocols with show up. Chris Posted by Joe on June 20 2005,21:39
I'm pretty sure its not working. I have the GTK2 extension installed, as well as the Gaim 1.2.1 one. Gaim for one, won't save my settings. Secondly, when trying to setup accounts, its not showing any other than gadu gadu, napster, and irc. Even after setting up one of these and successfully connecting, trying to add another account for aim or any other protocol is not working, because its not showing these options as available.
Posted by irkab1rka on June 20 2005,22:09
uninstall (and/or remove desktop shortcut)java eclipse ( and video driver support for nvidia, ati (i beg zou for sis650 ![]() If you have no time to do it for me than please wait for me to do it for everyone. I have to uninstall winxp first. Posted by irkab1rka on June 20 2005,23:00
sorry sorry sorry.JRE is there and nvidia also. So I miss only the ATI and the SIS driver (and Java SDK and the Eclipse) but mainly this is all about a missing search button on the download DSL extension panel. If there was a search by name/content option that would be nice. Hey there IS an SQLLiteBook which IS a great stuff indeed. The installation could be SQLLiteBased... Posted by irkab1rka on June 20 2005,23:11
sorry sorry sorry.JRE is there and nvidia also. So I miss only the ATI and the SIS driver (and Java SDK and the Eclipse) but mainly this is all about a missing search button on the download DSL extension panel. If there was a search by name/content option that would be nice. Hey there IS an SQLLiteBook which IS a great stuff indeed. The installation could be SQLLiteBased... Posted by irkab1rka on June 20 2005,23:27
probably CVS is built in but i doubt that subversion is accessible (its far better than CVS due it has thrue atomic commit functionality)
Posted by jesseakc on June 23 2005,14:44
Would someone be able to make a .dsl for Gimpshop? Gimpshop is the Gimp that looks and feels just like Photoshop. I found some debs if someone might be able to try it out. I haven't tried the debs yet.< > Jesse Posted by jls legalize on June 24 2005,09:04
amule.Thanx Posted by arnon hadas on June 25 2005,10:52
hiI am realy new to linux and i am using dsl embedd and i realy wont to use the gmailfs on my dsl thanks arnon hadas Posted by jls legalize on July 13 2005,09:53
openoffice 2 beta
Posted by Emily on July 13 2005,23:53
Hi would someone pls make a .dsl for GPUTILS - it is used for compiling code for the PIC microcontrollers. thank you very much! ![]() Posted by MethodOne on July 14 2005,01:43
I just submitted my Bugsquish and ZSNES 1.42 extensions after testing them out on my system.
Posted by vhangell on July 14 2005,21:48
Eagle 4.15 - PCB Layout Editor
Posted by azrxt on July 20 2005,14:12
lvm10 - Logical volume manager for restoring and backup LVM filesystems.
Posted by 7x3m1 on July 27 2005,10:07
I want Scribus as an .uci. Could it be possible?. If so, thanks in advance.
Posted by tarabaz on July 27 2005,13:14
I really, really need to my work (wirless lan servicer) Kismet... Please... help!!! ![]() Posted by damianiw on July 27 2005,13:54
I'd like to see xlink < Xlink Homepage > it's a gaming tunneling service, this with DSL could make a one CD tunnelling system ![]() I believe they are hoping to achieve something similar themselves but DSL is already up to this, perhaps you can speak to them ? Posted by evanescent on Aug. 01 2005,13:32
GnuCash or some sort of finance keeper software would be a nice addition to MyDSL.
Posted by doobit on Aug. 01 2005,15:48
You could try the non-free MainActor video editing package < > You definately need a powerful computer to edit video though. ![]() Posted by doobit on Aug. 04 2005,19:58
I would like a .dsl package of the netzero.deb dialer that works. I'm trying to set my mom and dad up with a cheap, and bulletproof internet connection. Posted by clivesay on Aug. 04 2005,20:00
Unless they have changed, the linux version of their dialer is not free.Chris EDIT: Well how about that. They show it as a download! I can't seem to get the page to open, though. Posted by rex on Aug. 06 2005,11:04
my extension request:- dvr (digital video recorder) record webcam to hdd - all console appz for internet(browse,chat,mail,etc), multimedia (play mp3) and office (spreadsheet,word processing,etc) - crond? i'd prefer .uci / tar.gz extension coz my ram is limited. Posted by rex on Aug. 06 2005,11:22
wine, dosbox, qemu, cedegaxinerama, Backstreet Ruby/ Ruby < > please... Posted by Delboy on Aug. 09 2005,23:45
Latest Sylpheed GTK2 version 2.0 extension please.Clamsmtp or any other anti-virus scanner Posted by Sinan on Aug. 16 2005,17:16
are the requests still on? Maybe a nice RSS program? Doesn't have to be something special, just to read RSS stuff...or maybe its already on there?
Posted by hawki on Aug. 16 2005,17:35
HiThe browser Opera has a built in RSS reader. Try the opera801.uci from the extension library. good luck Posted by RoGuE_StreaK on Aug. 20 2005,01:18
Is there a Mailwasher type spam filter available? ie., one that will actually check and delete mail on the server without actually downloading the emails?I notice most email progs have built-in spam filtering, but this occurs after you've actually downloaded them from the server. Posted by dmizzel on Aug. 20 2005,20:30
My request: AsteriskI want to use my pc as voicemail machine. < > Thanx Posted by farmall on Aug. 21 2005,02:43
How about a good newsgroup reader. pan or similar
Posted by ke4nt1 on Aug. 21 2005,06:54
Like this?< > pan-gtk2-0.14.2.dsl Remember to : 1. install the gtk2-0705.dsl, and 2. run "Update-to-gtk2" from the menu 3. before installing the Pan Newsreader.. 73 ke4nt Posted by guest on Aug. 21 2005,22:47
a new abiword.dsl would be great