Quake 1 myDSLForum: myDSL Extensions (deprecated) Topic: Quake 1 myDSL started by: AndrewMSConvert Posted by AndrewMSConvert on June 01 2004,11:29
Hey everyone,I've just started playing with 0.7 and the myDSL extensions (last iso I burnt was 5.3.1, been a bit busy...) and I think this is a really great step forward for DSL. Now, it would be completely horn if someone makes a myDSL extension for the Quake 1 source which has been released by ID. I'm unsure on the size that this will end up being but I'm sure it will only be around 30megs, which would be just perfect to fit on a 185meg mini-cd alone with lxdoom and others. If anyone is gifted in creating myDSL extensions and is wondering what else to extend, then my vote is for Quake 1. You'll probably say why don't I just do it...I'm having trouble enough getting Quake 1 source to work on my Mandrake 10.0 Community install, I think I'll leave this to someone who's less of a n00b... The next step is obviously a Quake 2 extension, since that too has been released by ID in source form. Or am I way off track? Posted by TyphoonMentat on June 01 2004,11:47
Don't the Quake 1 and 2 sources require level files that are only included with the retail version of the game? I suppose the demos might be possible..
Posted by AndrewMSConvert on June 03 2004,11:14
I'd be happy just with the demo ![]() How cool would it be just needing two CD's to have some network fragging, without installing a bit of software? I'd be SO taking this to work ![]() Posted by ke4nt1 on June 03 2004,16:10
I'm working on Q2 now...You'll need the Q2 CD win or lin version,to get the .pak files for the levels... Even with the shareware pak0.pak, it is a fat app.. A major d/load for dialups, so no .pak files. Maybe include the shareware .pak in another .dsl file. When I have it in .dsl format, I 'll post it up. 73 ke4nt Posted by ke4nt1 on June 05 2004,03:26
I have completed the "quake2.dsl" file.It DOES NOT include the game and map files.. Even the shareware version single .pak file is larger than the entire DSL compressed .iso file. Install the quake2.dsl file however you wish. Adding to /optional, or mydsl-load works fine. You will need a source for game/map data. Download the shareware version, and use the gnu-utils.dsl package to unzip the self-executable. Grab the */install/baseq2/pak0.pak file, and copy it to /usr/lib/games/quake2/baseq2/ directory as root. Or, use the CD version, and again, copy the pak*.pak files to the */baseq2/ directory as root user. John should have it available in the repository shortly. [EDIT] We're havin' quite a bit of fun here fraggin 3 way :-) An old Athlon 900, Dual 933/1073 P3, P3-500 @ 640x480 [/EDIT] Enjoy ! :-) 73 ke4nt Posted by PhrozenFear on June 05 2004,06:09
Sounds like fun.I could maybe get myself a copy of Q1 CD and get all the files off of it, and maybe even upload them somewhere in an extension. If you could get Q1 without the pak files, I'll get an extension with them, and then you can have some fun fraggin'. Too bad Q3A is too damned big to make into an extension. Then again, I've never made it work on a non-winbl0wz environment... Posted by AndrewMSConvert on June 05 2004,07:10
Great work ![]() Though, what's so bad about having an extension bigger than the DSL iso? Have you seen how big OpenOffice extension is? 63.3megs!! Which would I rather use? Openoffice or Quake2? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm ![]() If someone could upload it will the shareware .pak file that would be great!! Posted by ke4nt1 on June 05 2004,13:07
Since the game and map files are not GPL'ed, just the sources, it's probably not a good idea to have DamnSmallLinux website distribute the .pak files. It would also eat up a lot of bandwidth. Here is a link to the shareware file to extract your .pak out of. < http://www.idsoftware.com/games....on=demo > or < ftp://ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/quake2/q2-314-demo-x86.exe > IDsoftware can handle the traffic load much better than DSL. Here is a recent screenshot of my mornings quake session & desktop. < QuakeScreen > I'm running it in a window at 800x600.. plays fine business.. Here is is ... < http://www.ibiblio.org/pub....ke2.dsl > 73 ke4nt Posted by AndrewMSConvert on June 06 2004,03:30
Good point. Thanks for the work again.I'm going to start looking at getting some more extensions done myself - put something back into the community and all that ![]() I'd prefer to do stuff like this than to document code or to pay money, though props to those who do! Posted by dukkieduk on June 09 2004,09:12
![]() Hi , I tried it both on cd and hdd dsl 0.7, but i got the same error: damnsmall@1[damnsmall]$ /usr/games/quake2 using /home/damnsmall/.quake2/baseq2/ for writing couldn't exec default.cfg couldn't exec config.cfg Console initialized. ------- sound initialization ------- /dev/dsp: No such device SNDDMA_Init: Could not open /dev/dsp. ------- Loading ref_softx.so ------- LoadLibrary("./ref_softx.so") recursive shutdown Error: Couldn't load pics/colormap.pcx damnsmall@1[damnsmall]$ The sound is normall, because i don't have a soundcard installed. But the other default.cfg and config.cfg files, where are they ? Can you provide just the itsy pitsy more info? Regards Dukkieduk Posted by ke4nt1 on June 09 2004,17:31
[EDIT]Sounds like you haven't added any ".pak" game and map files to the /usr/lib/games/quake2/baseq2 directory. The .pak files need to be added from either a cd copy of quake2, or pulled out of the downloadable shareware copy. ( see my post earlier in this thread about adding .pak files ) The "ref_softx.so" should be the last file in your "/usr/lib/games/quake2" directory ... Typically, the game writes the config files upon exit to store setup choices and other options the way you want them. The second time I run it, I don't get those messages.. Once you have your config.cfg file written to disk, the default.cfg file is not necessary ... [/EDIT} Perhaps I could simply include a default copy of the 2 files in the next revision. I have ran this from clean installs of 0.7.1 on 6 or more computers, both LiveCD and HDinstall, and it runs great. Even on a P3-500 at 800x600 window, the game play is very acceptable.. stand-alone or multiplayer.. I also want to add to the next quake2.dsl revision more ctf files. 73 ke4nt Posted by dukkieduk on June 10 2004,08:28
![]() Hey I got it working !!! Seems that my pak0 file was corrupt... i grabt the one from my original cd and that one does the job great. ( it even works under my vmware dsl linux machine which i use for testing !!!!) Great job men !!! Thanks here's a little summary for those who want to do the harddisk install: as root: #cd / #tar zxvf quake2.dsl now insert the quake2 cd in you drive, i use the desktop mount utility... hey they made it easy... :-) #cp /cdrom/Install/Data/baseq2/pak0.pak /usr/lib/games/quake2/baseq2/ then exit the root shell open xshell as damnsmall #quake2 and shoot them all down ! ![]() ![]() Regards Dukkieduk Posted by ke4nt1 on June 10 2004,12:57
Good Work !Thanks for the positive feedback... ".....EOD confirms bridge is DOWN !... " "... all squad leaders report to sister teams!..." [excerpts from radio chatter on q2 demo..] 73 ke4nt Posted by ripcrd6 on Aug. 05 2004,13:44
Is there any progress on Quake 1? I dug around last night and found my Quake 1 that I bought at the discount bin. I also found my Q3: Arena, Doom II and a disk with Doom I and II extra maps, hints and cheats. I did not however find Quake II yet so I grabbed the demo.
Posted by ke4nt1 on Aug. 05 2004,22:37
Your Doom II game files and Doom extras should run finewith the lxdoom package (doom.dsl ) ... The quake I engine is at the usual apt-get locations... It should be in the stable debian area... Your welcome to throw a .dsl together from that... I have made zero progress on quake I... 73 de Kent ke4nt |