First time with DSL

Forum: myDSL Extensions (deprecated)
Topic: First time with DSL
started by: neo2k

Posted by neo2k on Nov. 26 2004,22:47
Hi there, i just got DSL 0.8.3, i tried alot other linux-distros.
How does this myDSL work ???
I tried click on the button, "get it", but nothing chances :(

I would like some kind of guide or something to use it

EDIT: using 0.8.4 now, still no difference :(

Posted by ke4nt1 on Nov. 27 2004,01:11
After clicking on a "Get It" button, does it eventually read at the top of the window..

Grabbing file <whatevername> ....

Grabbing file <whatevername> ...Done!

If successful, you should see it in your menu <rt. click on desktop>
- Look in MyDSL...

Is the computer your trying this on connected to the internet?
This application pulls "extensions" from the DSL repository.
On a dialup, many of these files could take many minutes or hours to complete.

Let us know..


Posted by neo2k on Nov. 28 2004,22:51
It shows "grabbing file", but never done... nothing happens over the network either :(

EDIT: I have a pretty fast connection, but no network activity :S

Posted by ico2 on Nov. 29 2004,15:03
that is strange, do you have a firewall?
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