qemu for dsl.Forum: myDSL Extensions (deprecated) Topic: qemu for dsl. started by: krazynesphreak Posted by krazynesphreak on Dec. 08 2004,18:40
i just wanted to know if any one has installed qemu on dsl and then run a diff os throw that. b/c i can install windows 95 and it less then 25mb and it would be kind of cool if i can run windows, b/c no matter how u look at it u can never get completely away from windows. and has any one made an .dsl for qemu.thanks krazy Posted by ico2 on Dec. 08 2004,18:52
hmmmm, the dsl embedded includes qemu, not usre how to make it boot 95 though :S
Posted by krazynesphreak on Dec. 08 2004,22:36
no, what i want to do is boot dsl on my pc or anypc and then run qemu that is running windows 95. b/c i only need to install the drives one time to windows 95 b/c it the same emulator, and dsl will take care of the rest. dose that make senes and if not the i well make a screen shot in photoshop. i just want to see if anyone has done it so i won`t wast me time with this.thank krazy Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Dec. 08 2004,23:00
<Entering Grammar Freak Mode>Please use at least some punctuation and formatting of some kind!!! ![]() Having a long, long line of lower-case characters is evil. It hurts the old eyes. ![]() AOLspreak abbrieviations are bad, too. <End Grammar Freak Mode> On topic, though, running Windoze inside Linux through an emulator? Other than the coolness factor, and irony, of running a M$ OS inside Linux instead of the other way around, is there any practical use for this? -J.P. Posted by roberts on Dec. 08 2004,23:51
You can run windows as a guest OS within a host OS of Linux using Qemu.Here are sone links: < http://www.dad-answers.com/qemu-forum/index.php > < http://www.freeoszoo.org/screenshots.php > But since DSL is primarily a liveCD. I don't know how practical that would be. Also, since the .dsl could not contain © windows os. This would have to be something that you do pretty much on your own. But as shown in the links above, some are doing this. Posted by krazynesphreak on Dec. 09 2004,00:47
this is the way i have it. i have dsl on my 512mB thumb drive. and i have if load the "knoppix" file so it is still like a livecd, but i can add, remove, delete files, from that drive. so i was thinking of having a 150mB partition or harddrive image that i can edit. move files and do stuff. i hate windows but i have to use it for a few reasons. one most importantly not all source code are avable, so u can only really install it to one os (windows), i`ve tried wine for linux and its good but dose not do every thing. i not going to explan all the reason i have to use windows. but and any case it be nice to have it. and when i`m talking a/b make a .dsl of qemu i`m not talking a/b putting windows with it just all the files u need in order torun a diff os thanks krazy Posted by cbagger01 on Dec. 09 2004,02:45
My guess is that Windows 95 would work fine with it.I guess you would need to capture your Windows 95 install CD into an *.iso file and then try and boot from that iso. The Qemu site includes a "hard drive image" creation utility for making an emulated hard drive into a file. You also need some kind of fix for a problem that Windows 95 has with the "hlt" instruction. Check out the qemu website documentation for more details. Posted by henk1955 on Dec. 09 2004,11:48
i have "installed" a win98se in side qemu run by dsl.1. create a 500Mb diskimage
2. insert bootable win98se install cd in the cdromdrive 3. start qemu. it will use the real cdrom no need for an *.iso
4. inside quemu "install" win98se 5. once installed. use start-suhutdown 6. now to use this qemu-win do to "boot" from c:
Posted by krazynesphreak on Dec. 09 2004,12:09
i guess i never go my point a cross but w/e, thanks. but i have done it i run dsl and then run windows in side thatthanks ![]() ![]() ![]() krazy Posted by krazynesphreak on Dec. 09 2004,12:56
would anyone like a souped up version of dsl (knopppix), to do only 2 things on it, run a terminal and run qemu now i`m not just talking a/b running windows but any os, i persional would not mind a protable version of slackware or gentoo maybe even redhat or turbolinux. i`ll be willing to make it. if i ever get off my *ss add learn how to edit knoppix. just wanted to see if any one want it besides me?thanks krazy Posted by ico2 on Dec. 10 2004,13:55
must disable swap on windows.
Posted by ico2 on Dec. 10 2004,13:59
oh, and as for installing, apt-get install wine, create a loopfs (search the forums), set up wine to emulate the loopfs as c, run the windows installer under wine, next time you need windows, just mount the loopfs, run windows with qemu and you are away. (remember to disable windows's use of swap or expect a screwed usb key)
Posted by krazynesphreak on Dec. 10 2004,18:31
wtf?![]() Posted by ico2 on Dec. 10 2004,20:16
sorry, i can be confusing, what in particular is confusing you?
Posted by krazynesphreak on Dec. 11 2004,01:09
everything?? i don't understand y u was/are talking a/b wine and swap and stuff. this is what i personal want to do, i would like to take dsl and strip it down to nothing more then a terminal at boot, and then be able to run qemu from that. i just don't know where to began.thanks krazy p.s. i don't think that just unix based systems should be live i want to be able to run any os at boot. i would like to do it this way b/c wants u make a harddrive image u should not have to mess around with drivers and crap, b/c u don`t have to do it with knoppix. make it eazy for anyone to make there own personal live os. Posted by krazynesphreak on Dec. 11 2004,01:54
and, dose anybody have any good, "howtos" on editting knoppix, or is there a version that it just install all of the drivers and gos to a terminal maybe it will be a little eazyer to editthanks krazy Posted by Fordi on Dec. 16 2004,15:36
>_><_< Most linux distros have become pretty quick with the drivers since Hotplug started being a good bit of code. Meanwhile, Windows 2000 and up are similarly quick. QEMU, on the other hand, has no pass-thru support for USB, no support for "exotic" hardware (ie: TV cards, multiple net cards, firewire, etc, ad inf), limited video support (it uses the bios from an ancient Cirrus Logic card), and is about 1/4x your CPU. If you really want to be able to "run any os", then I suggest getting an SCSI card and learning how to finesse GRUB. GRUB's a pretty damn good bootloader, and I've never had a problem with it. In fact, if you put a bootloader on every OS partition you have (say, lilo for the linux partitions, ntldr for the windows partitions, etc), then the loading code is pretty simple:
Posted by Fordi on Dec. 16 2004,15:56
On the other hand...There's a remastering HOWTO on this forum somewhere.. lemme give you a stripping HOWTO: restore apt ( you know, the dsl-dpkg.dsl ) apt-get remove * ( will uninstall every debian package ) rm -r /etc/dpkg (will re-remove the dpkg tree you restored in step one ) You now have a COMPLETELY STRIPPED (and quite possibly unusable ) linux. That won't do. Starting from the beginning: restore apt for each package in the DSL package you DONT want from the < DSL Package List >: apt-get remove pkg rm -r /etc/dpkg Now you have a debian that is stripped as far as you like. From there, please follow the directions in the < Remastering HowTo > by meo (last two posts on that page; remastering 0.8.2, and a note that that remastering method works fine for the 0.9* series) |