irssi ?

Forum: myDSL Extensions (deprecated)
Topic: irssi ?
started by: one

Posted by one on Dec. 28 2004,11:42
Hi Guys.
Is there a irssi mydsl extention i can't find one :-(
Would anyone be so kind to make one? (i can't only have mydsl on usb drive atm).


Ps. If u want i can also host it on my webspace ;)

Posted by tronik on Dec. 28 2004,15:22

i think we're currently trying to get an irssi myDSL as well as a 'tinyirc', and 'epic' myDSL to add to our list of IRC clients...It shouldn't take long. I'll put in an honorable mention for it ;p

Posted by one on Dec. 28 2004,16:35
yeah hope so ;)
thx a lot
regards one

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