Where do i upload/send newly created .dsl?

Forum: myDSL Extensions (deprecated)
Topic: Where do i upload/send newly created .dsl?
started by: schopenhauer101

Posted by schopenhauer101 on Feb. 05 2005,23:31
Where do i upload/send the new .dsl extensions i just made?
Email? Ftp?

I browsed around quite some time but i just dont seem to find the answer to that.
Take care/

Posted by RoGuE_StreaK on Feb. 05 2005,23:36
Send it by email to
extensions [at] damnsmalllinux dot org
Don't know if there's a size limit for these emails?

Posted by ke4nt1 on Feb. 05 2005,23:58
If there is, I haven't found it yet.. :)

If YOU have a problem emailing large files, email me at the above address,
and I'll arrange an FTP for you.

Please include an md5sum file , and a .info file, with your submission.
Check the repository for examples of md5sums and .info files..


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