Graphical Login

Forum: myDSL Extensions (deprecated)
Topic: Graphical Login
started by: SaidinUnleashed

Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Feb. 07 2005,22:27

If anyone is interested, I will put xdm (the X Display Manager) into XFree86.dsl, and resubmit it to ke4nt. Right now, I can't get it working with Xvesa, but I'm still working on it. If I get it working, I will submit a stand alone .dsl for Xvesa.

Minus the manpages, and the Debian logos, it's about 82k.

It does not install as a daemon, but you can add it to /opt/ and it will work.

If I don't get good reactions, I'm not going to do this, because I know a lot of people are perfectly happy with text login. ^_^


Posted by LinuxLoader on Feb. 07 2005,22:38
Do it! A cool thing... Small & nice...  :)
Posted by green on Feb. 08 2005,00:39
Oh, Please Do!
Posted by AwPhuch on Feb. 08 2005,02:28
I wonder if it could be added on a permanent basis?

This is nice and would allow users to login from a graphical interface...

Probably wouldnt take much to rolling and since its only 82K thats not that big of an impact on the "core" size


Posted by krazynesphreak on Feb. 08 2005,02:58
this would be sweet.

Posted by Max on Feb. 08 2005,15:14
Does this allow you to "lock" your screen with a session logged in??  I hope so...

I have little one's running around and have come back to the PC many occasions to find that they've hijacked it and bombed whatever I was working on....

Posted by tronik on Feb. 08 2005,16:56
you'll need "xlock" or a similar program for that ;) its very small and should be easy to import, if its not already there.
Posted by dare2dreamer on Mar. 05 2005,21:28
Is there a way to use xdm and tinyX together instead of installing the entire xfree86.dsl?
Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Mar. 05 2005,22:12
Indeed there is.

Just apt-get install xdm.

Oh, and this project is on hold for now, for personal reasons.

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