3D modeling

Forum: myDSL Extensions (deprecated)
Topic: 3D modeling
started by: 1nc09nit0

Posted by 1nc09nit0 on May 25 2005,19:16
could some on make a .dsl file for a 3d modeling program such as "Panorama", i need to use one in school (so i can use my supa-fast DSL :cool: instead of windows 98)
thanks for any help  :)

p.s - i have got blender already but only use this for object tweaking

Posted by iwillkillyou-loggedout on June 06 2005,01:49
i can't do a .dsl since there are other things more important to learn but if someone else wants to or if you just want to go download it go to wings3d.com (or if that's not right, search google and you'll get it in 2 seconds) it's very clean and fast and you can do 3ds or maya etc controls... i really like it... it's free and open source
Posted by mikshaw on June 06 2005,02:45
You run wings3D in DSL?  Please tell how....I've tried and the best i get is a series of erlang errors.

Personally I can't think of a more useful Linux 3D application than Blender, but Wings is great fun.

Posted by iwillkillyou-loggedout on June 06 2005,15:50
actually i have not, since this is only a 200mhz processor... :) but I am downloading it to see

dsl@box:~$ gunzip wings-0.98.29b-linux.run.gz
dsl@box:~$ sh ./wings-0.98.29b-linux.run
Verifying archive integrity...Error in MD5 checksums: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e is different from f2997557f3822ae23b1b939f63d5337f

that's about as far as i got when i just tried installing it... i tried downloading it again but unless i screwed up somewhere i don't know

Posted by mikshaw on June 06 2005,20:43
The installer doesn't work with Busybox....installing gnu-utils will fix that.
But i think you'll still find it won't run.  I can't remember which is which, but   of the included erlang and one installed from source, one of them gives a segmentation fault with no other messages and the other gives some erlang errors.  I'm guessing it is erlang which has trouble in DSL, and not wings itself.

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