Can't backup iconsForum: myDSL Extensions (deprecated) Topic: Can't backup icons started by: RoGuE_StreaK Posted by RoGuE_StreaK on June 18 2005,06:33
I'm trying to package up a replacement icon set, but for some reason I can't get the contents of .xtdesktop to add to a backup. I'm using DSL1.2 live, tried both vanilla and with gnu-utils.I've tried adding to filetool.lst both the files individually and the directory itself (using the oh-so-useful add2filetool), but the resulting backup is empty. Weird thing is, anything else I add to the filetool.lst DOES show up. I've tried about 10 different combinations of adding files, removing, backing up... all with the result that everything except the contents of .xtdesktop is added to the backup.tar.gz! Any thoughts? Posted by hawki on June 18 2005,14:08
HiWith the release of version 1.2 a file named xfiletool.lst was added. This is a file used to exclude some things from being added to the backup. It is great for telling the system to backup all of /home/dsl except those listed in this file. .xtdesktop may be listed there. good luck Posted by roberts on June 18 2005,14:34
hawki is correct. Of course he is, xfiletool.lst is his contribution. But the following is why .xtdesktop and .fluxbox/menu are defaulted in the xfiletool.lst.DSL is primarily a liveCD or compressed install (frugal) system. As such mydsl extensions are dynamically loaded upon each boot boot. However these extension apps write into the .fluxbox/menu and often place icons into .xtdesktop. Now with the default that all of /home/dsl being backed up this would mean that upon the next boot we would have icons and menu items that "point" to extensions that very well may not be there. Example, while running you decide to look at an extension program, you get a desktop icon and it is listed under mydsl menu section. You decide not to keep this extensions. You reboot. The extension program is gone as it should be, but you would still have the its menu and icon comming in from the backup. To prevent this these two files were defaulted into the xfiletool.lst Now since DSL is incredibly flexible you can decide to disable this by removing these two items from the xfiletool.lst You can make any adjustment you like. I just wanted to explain the reasons behind the decisions for what is in the default configuration. Posted by mikshaw on June 18 2005,15:30
An alternative is to make your icon replacement a myDSL package that overwrites whatever is currently in .xtdesktop
Posted by ke4nt1 on June 18 2005,16:38
Seems to me, if we kept icons out of the extensions, and made them all menu additions only, this issue would be moot. 73 ke4nt Posted by struppi on June 19 2005,23:39
i created a small script that deletes all unwanted icons and writes the objects (home, harddisk and cd-drives shown with rox) dynamically to .xtdesktop. it works fast and is easily expandable.
Posted by roberts on June 20 2005,00:43
I think we should have the option to have icons in the extensions.I think that we should not have to worry about icon collisions. Extension icons overlaying existing desktop icons. I think that we should be able to add/delete/change desktop icons and they should be able to be backed up. This will be a forthcomming feature. Posted by RoGuE_StreaK on June 20 2005,04:23
Thanks all, icons are winging their way in, as is a new theme.Screenshot (resized): ![]() roberts, RE: collision detection, I don't know what you guys have planned, but could a possible solution (probably extremely messy and longwinded) be a script that greps the current icon links for their position values, checks if the incoming icon's values are within x-amount range of any of those values, and alters the incoming icon's link until it's position is no longer infringing on any existing icon? Yeah, I have no idea what I'm talking about. ![]() Posted by roberts on June 20 2005,06:11
Nice looking theme. Bash & Grep would be way to slow and "messy" . I already have something working and it is fast and "clean".
Posted by ke4nt1 on June 20 2005,06:41
yes.. very nice minimalistic theme, RoGuE_StreaK just a touch of highlights and color... 73 ke4nt Posted by RoGuE_StreaK on June 20 2005,09:17
Bugger, it seems that I can't get the icons to restore properly. I've tried removing the .xtdesktop reference from xfiletool.lst, 'cause it looked like maybe that was stopping restoration as well as backing up, but I can't seem to consistently have the tar.gz extract via mydsl to replace the existing links - actually, the new icons themselves also don't seem to be copying, which would indicate it's more than just a "you can't replace this" issue...If I open the package in emelfm and copy the files over, all works fine, but I'm wanting to put this package in my root for auto-load on bootup. Oh, a tip to anyone else wanting to put stuff in root - I think they are loaded alphabetically, so rename your packages in order of load requirement, if a certain package needs something else to be loaded first. Correct? PS. The reason I'm doing this is 'cause I just got some biz-card CDs, and I've found that it looks like I can actually squeeze in over a meg of settings, packages, etc, on top of the base ISO. So themes, icons, ace-of-penguins, my collection of DSL notes, and the hefty flash plugin for firefox... Posted by clivesay on June 20 2005,10:56
Great to see a theme for the DSL icons. Nice work!Extensions are loaded alphabetically. This is important to know when you run xfree and nvidia because xftree has to be loaded first. My nvidia.dsl file is named znvidia.dsl Chris Posted by struppi on June 20 2005,14:17
hmm, i don't really like these icons with button-backrounds. Posted by andrewphoto on July 02 2005,11:23
Nothing is trivial.Attention to detail. Keep on top of s..t at all times. I'm looking forward to burning a bizcard with my baby nephew as wallpaper, minimal icons, and mailing it to my brother-in-law. In martial arts, a full pot of boiling water on a fire is equilibrium. (Water constantly evaporating, addition of new water kills boiling point, fire needs feeding, ETC.) Confucius say the only certainty is change. |