modprobe errorForum: USB booting Topic: modprobe error started by: jon267 Posted by jon267 on Dec. 04 2005,22:39
I installed dsl onto a usb pen drive a couple of months ago and everything worked fine but a couple of days ago i had to reinstall it.As it is loading it gives a couple of modprobe errors to fast to catch what they say.When dsl is fully loaded it does not see my network card (netgear pcmcia).Ive tried downloading the iso image again andf burning it onto different disks but still the same problem.The live cds work fine.When doing the installation i get the error message "total number of sectors not a multiple of sectors per track.Add mtools_skip_check=1 to your .mtoolsrc file to skip this test". I dont know if this has anything to do with my problem but i cant find .mtoolsrc any where. Any help appreciated. Posted by TravMan1963 on Dec. 04 2005,23:43
I had something similar - I was booting DSL from cd - and needed a floppy to start the sequence.... but - the versions on cd and floppy were different (I think the kernel# was different...) -- and while displaying the boot messages - I had quite a few modprobe errors - and errors like 'no such directory'....Are you using a floppy to start the boot from usb? If so - make sure the versions match ![]() TM Posted by jon267 on Dec. 05 2005,11:52
Thanks for reply.Yes i am using a boot floppy.To make it I used the make usbboot floppy prog that comes with dsl I presume this would use the right image?
Posted by jon267 on Dec. 05 2005,14:34
Sorted it.Downloaded boot floppy image and current iso and used that instead of making boot floppy from cd.