128 mb usb drive -> 49.9 mb drive

Forum: USB booting
Topic: 128 mb usb drive -> 49.9 mb drive
started by: ahh

Posted by ahh on Dec. 21 2005,09:17
Ok, well my computer is now running 2000 now after the format... and now I just plugged in my usb drive and it is saying that it is 49.9 mb instead of 128 mb which I know it was. How do I make it go back to it's original state of 128 mb?
Posted by hq4ever on Dec. 21 2005,11:29
Same problem here, only with a 512 mb stick :laugh:
Posted by JeffElkins on Jan. 05 2006,04:30
When I installed dsl-usb-zip to my 512Mb drive it was partitoned into sdb1 (49.9 mb) and the remainer of space as sbd2.

Uou'll need to use a partitoning tool to delete both partitions and then create a new one to get your entire drive back. I used fdisk under Linux, can't help with Windows, sorry.

Posted by cbagger01 on Jan. 05 2006,18:47
If you want a simple solution, boot up your DSL livecd again and then do a USBHDD installation to your pendrive.

It will return your pendrive into a single data partition automatically.

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